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  1. Daboys2007

    Volunteers for Open Regional Swap 9/18/22

    Hi All - I can be the photographer if that’s still open!
  2. Daboys2007

    FREE corals (Fully claimed)

    Very generous of you! Would be great if I can pickup some frags and will pm you. Thx!
  3. Daboys2007

    Free frag racks

    Hi ashburn2k. I’d like to get these from you if still available and will PM u about the Tesla 3 screen too. Thx much!
  4. Daboys2007

    Free Corals - 15 very large, fully encrusted bali green slimer frags

    I’d love to get one too - will pm u. Thx!
  5. Daboys2007

    [New start time] Frag Swap Sat 7/16/2022 at Seven Stills, SF

    Last batch of pics of their tanks!
  6. Daboys2007

    [New start time] Frag Swap Sat 7/16/2022 at Seven Stills, SF

    Sorry - for the multiple replies, but can only attach 10 pics at a time.
  7. Daboys2007

    [New start time] Frag Swap Sat 7/16/2022 at Seven Stills, SF

    Thx to the Board & Volunteers for organizing another great swap! Here are pics from today’s event!
  8. Daboys2007

    July 16 Frag Swap volunteer signup

    If this is still needed, I can do it. I just have an iPhone though
  9. Daboys2007

    [New start time] Frag Swap Sat 7/16/2022 at Seven Stills, SF

    Hi - very generous of you! I will be going and live in San Ramon, so more than happy to be the runner to get your items to the swap.
  10. Daboys2007

    Free corals

    @Holly94583 - thx so much for the large chunk of rainbow poci! Very generous of you! Also, it was great meeting you and to see your beautiful tank
  11. Daboys2007

    [New start time] Frag Swap Sat 7/16/2022 at Seven Stills, SF

    Understood - thx for the info!
  12. Daboys2007

    Free corals

    Hi Holly - I live in SR too! Would love to get the rainbow pocillopora if that’s still available. Thx! Will
  13. Daboys2007

    [New start time] Frag Swap Sat 7/16/2022 at Seven Stills, SF

    Awesome - looking fwd to this next swap! I believe RBTAs are ok to bring, but how about a Long Spine Urchin?
  14. Daboys2007

    PSA it’s that time of year again…

    Thx Liz for the reminder! It’s been hot in San Ramon, so appreciate it
  15. Daboys2007

    Lets see them full tank shot

    Love the Midas Blenny as we have one too and our “Benny” is fun to watch swaying across the tank between his 2 hiding spots!
  16. Daboys2007

    Eric's Frag tank!!!

    Cool Bristletooth - got that on my wishlist for the future fish too!