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  1. P

    Heater Recommendation

    I have a 180 gallon tank with a 100 gallon pond as the sump about 45% full of water. We keep the house always 72 to 74 degrees 24/7. I want to get a heater as I was told that ideal temps for some corals should be 78-79. I have done numerous Google searches, read over a dozen reviews, etc. and...
  2. P

    Free refractometer (pickup in SJ)

    ok, sorry guys I guess I am OG, as I only have a hydrometer as I only just am getting back into my salt tank now. I've always rinsed it after each use and it seems to still work but I guess I am the odd dude whom has yet to upgrade? If nobody else needs it, I would take it.
  3. P

    ? What about growing beneficial algae in your sump to help water quality and prevent bad algae ?

    Thanks those were great videos! Do you find that incorporating a "chaeto" set up in your sump is a better way than using say ROWA GFO in a reactor?
  4. P

    ? What about growing beneficial algae in your sump to help water quality and prevent bad algae ?

    I am getting back into my reef but before I faded out of corals, people were exploring with growing beneficial algae in the sump and people claimed it would reduce the bad algae in your tank and improve the water quality? Is this a thing or not something to look into? I have a 180 gallon tank...
  5. P

    HMB not familiar with all the new tech nor corals trying to get my 180G tank back up

    I ordered a clean up crew of snails arriving this next week. only one of my rocks has this mossy algae, is this bad? should I try to pull it off or take it out and use a wire brush? or will the clean up snails eat this stuff up?
  6. P

    HMB not familiar with all the new tech nor corals trying to get my 180G tank back up

    Right now all of the water levels are good other than the phosphate being a little high but I am hoping it will continue to go down with the changes to the reactor and I am doing about 15 gallons at least every other week. The corals have been there for a couple of weeks and all are doing very...
  7. P

    Random assortment of corals

    I am a brand new supporting member and would love to have a bird nest frag
  8. P

    HMB not familiar with all the new tech nor corals trying to get my 180G tank back up

    I do not think my tank looks good right now, here are some pics of how it is right now...
  9. P

    HMB not familiar with all the new tech nor corals trying to get my 180G tank back up

    I just joined and just joined as a supporting member after seeing how active the boards are and your great marketplace threads! I have a 180 gallon 7 feet long, 30" deep, 20" wide True Vue acrylic tank with canopy. It has about 70% of the height with live rock and live sand. I had neglected...
  10. P

    Free GSP, nondescript Pallies. (Pacifica)

    Zero Gravitas, I am interested. I just found your group and am just getting my tank back up. I think it is ready? I have a 180 gallon tank, did water changes for the last month or so and all levels are good, other than the phosphate was a little high around 1 and I just added those small...