Reef nutrition

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  1. Otakuthugster

    DBTC - Bali shortcake

    No worries.
  2. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: Orange mushroom

    Thanks! Ah...that is my clownfish's home, a gig anemone.
  3. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: Orange setosa

    Thanks...1st come 1st serve. I can add this to your other DBTC.
  4. Otakuthugster

    Dog may have ingested Kalkwasser

    So sorry to hear. Glad to hear your dog is doing better now.
  5. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: Orange setosa

    I just added Orange setosa to DBTC. Request a frag to be notified when they are available. Pick-up in Pacifica is preferred.
  6. Otakuthugster

    Michael's 168 build

    Me: Honey, we're a bit short on the boys' college fund. Wife: Oh no.... Also me: Yeah, and can you keep an eye out for FedEx tomorrow? Wife: What'dya get? Me: Just a great deal I found for you on Mother's Day. Something nice & colorful! In my head: (...that's gonna look great in my aquarium!)...
  7. Otakuthugster

    Michael's 168 build

    Yeah, we have stuff like that lurking around our house, too. It's a scary thought, but things get tight when paying for mortgage/rent in the Bay.... Maybe if I stopped buying colorful, underwater sticks....
  8. Otakuthugster

    Michael's 168 build

    :D...Wow, so cool. That's living my dream: A vaulted ceiling & wall-build aquarium. Got me & my wife talking about what to do if we won the lotto: extra high vault w/ a loft 2nd floor, knocking down walls to expand the living room, placing an XL wall-build talk.... "But first, the kitchen", is...
  9. Otakuthugster

    Michael's 168 build

    Ahhh...I see what you're talking about with the roofline -- didn't notice until you pointed it out, tho'. So, the roof already had rafters? I ask because we wanted to vault our ceilings, too, but ended up with a truss roof...bummer.
  10. Otakuthugster

    Michael's 168 build

    Damn, that's a nice remodel overall. Noticed you vaulted the ceilings. Was the roof structure already like that? If not, did you have to add extra structural supports? And very smart to add the supports underneath the tank! That's added piece-of-mind for a huge investment.
  11. Otakuthugster

    Michael's 168 build

    Ha...sorry, just wanted to see what would be an adequate size for a wall build. Yours is perfect, and I hope to build one of my own one day!
  12. Otakuthugster

    Michael's 168 build

    Love the wall build-in. Sorry if you already mentioned, but how many gallons is your tank?
  13. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: TCK Pink Immolation

    Thanks much! :)
  14. Otakuthugster

    Baykes' 105 Gallon "First Big Reef"

    Love the 'scape. That overhangs are awesome!
  15. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: TCK Pink Immolation

    I just added TCK Pink Immolation to DBTC. There are 1 frag(s) available right now. I've seen this listed as a tenius, but the growth is more knobby than branching. Think Homewrecker growth tips/corallites over a mint green body. Pic is of the momma. I have 1 small nub available...
  16. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    Nice! I have to squint to see the rainbow colors on mine. ...hmmm...what was the middle one again? BTW, how's the Royal Flush going? Ended up getting the Death Grimace -- losing patience for a nice Flush frag to go on sale. This is my 2nd piece (see middle): The first one RTN'd...
  17. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    Thanks! My goal is to have all mini-colonies and frag-out where needed.
  18. Otakuthugster

    Back in action & upgraded - 60g journal

    Man, you really got a good thing going on with pulling out colors. Any more room on your several racks to babysit?
  19. Otakuthugster

    DBTC: ASD Rainbow mille

    Please link me to a tank journal for consideration.
  20. Otakuthugster

    DBTC - Bali shortcake

    Wow, most of my acros don't respond well to 450 in my tank. But then again, my total lights-on is 16hrs, with max intensity @8hrs.