Reef nutrition

DBTC: ASD Rainbow mille

I just added ASD Rainbow mille to DBTC.

There are 1 frag(s) available right now.


I have an accidental frag available. It's only a 1/4" nub but is entrusting (pic is of the momma).

I will need a back-up for this, so recipient agrees to have a piece available for me when needed. Participants must have long-standing success with acros -- that means I'll need to see tank journals, folks (unless linked in your sig).

Pick-up in Pacifica is preferred.
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Sweet coral! I will wait a bit before getting in line to make sure I am giving my other frags their appropriate attention, but this is one I will come back to! Feel free to give my journal a skim to see if you feel my tank is worthy.