Neptune Aquatics

Search results

  1. Klatzy

    Dave (and Emily's) 24 gallon journal

    Thanks for the offer! Posted in the other thread but I'll probably take it the next fragging workshop.
  2. Klatzy

    Fragging an Elegance coral

    I think what I'll do is attend the next the fragging workshop with this chunky boi. Thanks for all the advice.
  3. Klatzy

    Fragging an Elegance coral

    So... Step 1: Get band saw. Step 2: Don't injure self. I have a dremel but probably not ideal in this case huh.
  4. Klatzy

    Fragging an Elegance coral

    I was sent a large Elegance coral by accident from an online coral store (you can see a pic in my tank journal). It may overgrow my tank fairly quickly. I've read that it can be difficult to frag these corals; are there guides that people would recommend?
  5. Klatzy

    FREE corals (Fully claimed)

    I'd love to get either a chalice or birdsnest.
  6. Klatzy

    Dave (and Emily's) 24 gallon journal

    Was accidentally sent a large-ish elegance coral (Blue tip elegance) instead of an octospawn. Not sure it can stay for long in the 24 gallon.
  7. Klatzy

    Large persistent "red tide" algae bloom in the Bay

    I'm hoping I don't transfer some to my tank. Took a shower afterwards but you never know.
  8. Klatzy

    Large persistent "red tide" algae bloom in the Bay

    So far (at least haven't found any news of it) no major fish die-offs. But may want to not swim or eat fish/shellfish from the Bay for a while. Probably was not the best day to go windsurfing yesterday.
  9. Klatzy

    The GHA palace - taking care of a work tank

    I third Mexican turbo snails, pretty cheap and not as likely to starve as a hare after things get under control. But I wonder with that much GHA it might take a while unless you do some manual removal first and then add snails.
  10. Klatzy

    Free boat!!! Runs, registered and yea.. its free

    After it's cleaned up I would like a frag of this.
  11. Klatzy

    Salt mix appears to be missing magnesium

    A batch of Instant Ocean reef crystals appears to missing magnesium. I found this out when testing the tank and not getting detectable Mg with a Salifert test kit. Replaced the kit and same results. Tested a fresh salt mix solution and very low Mg (<500 ppm). A IO reef crystal solution is...
  12. Klatzy

    Smell from brute containers

    I've been using a Brute for about a year now, washed a couple times with vinegar to remove some deposits on the bottom. But I haven't noticed any particular ammonia/cat pee smell (I have three cats). Did you buy the 3 can from the same place at the same time?
  13. Klatzy

    Anyone going to reefapoloza next month?

    A live stream
  14. Klatzy

    Diatom bloom after moving the tank

    Yeah I've done 2 since noticing bloom, will do more if needed.
  15. Klatzy

    New favorite coral: The Grinch Goni

    Wow that's cool. I've heard/read some goni are hard to keep and some are not (depending on the species apparently)
  16. Klatzy

    Diatom bloom after moving the tank

    I moved my 24 gallon tank from upstairs to downstairs a week+ ago—with nearly all the water removed, rocks pulled out, and with the sand substrate getting sloshed around pretty well. I believe there's now a substantial diatom bloom. Brown powdery stuff covering the sand and glass. Easy to...
  17. Klatzy

    Do any LFS carry dead/dry marco rock or similar?

    I know Aquatic Collection (Heyward) carries dry live rock and I think just plain dry rock too.
  18. Klatzy

    Alkalinity seems off in fresh saltwater mix

    So I measured out ~7 gallons (essentially 2 5gal home depot buckets filled to the 3.5 gallon mark) and 1680 grams of Instant Ocean Reef crystals mix (two large bowls worth, I may go to a more accurate measuring device) = 1.030 specific gravity. Added 1 gallon of water got me to 1.026. Mixed at...
  19. Klatzy

    Monti Spongodes

    I'd love a frag!
  20. Klatzy

    ...and then there were three! A multi-tank journey

    I respect your ability to keep things growing and stable in a 10 gallon, I could not. Had to go up to 24 gallon to be successful.