Reef nutrition

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  1. JRocha

    Help--My nitrate levels are too high

    the chemi-pure by itself will clear up the water, but it didn't lower my nitrates. I run chemi-pure elite year round and still had nitrates. it was when I added the pond matrix to my tank that lowered the nitrates. the reason I say that is cause I tried a bunch of stuff, even seachem purigen...
  2. JRocha

    Help--My nitrate levels are too high

    +1. the last time I messed with my sand is when I removed it all at once. a month later the tank crashed and wiped out all but my clowns, my eel, and marine betta. I then added new sand back and had to start a new cycle and since then I haven't cleaned it or touched it. I just bought 2 sand...
  3. JRocha

    Help--My nitrate levels are too high

    yeah I only got the seachem stuff cause the ReefresH20 block I used to use is off the market and that had to be replaced every year. at least this stuff doesn't need to be replaced. But it does work. and yeah I overloaded it. I have enough to filter over 800 gallons. my water is crystal clear. I...
  4. JRocha

    Help--My nitrate levels are too high

    i use a euroreef skimmer and a sh!tload of seachem pond matrix and I overfeed like crazy. the seachem pond matrix takes a little while to cycle but works great. I have 4 litres of it in my sump right before my return pumps which is seperated by egg crate so the water passes through it all the...
  5. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    how dare you!!!!!! ha ha. was it a good fight?
  6. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    sweet they have so much character. he would go to the front of the glass and follow me around with his eyes. it murdered a few anglers and lionfish. he would sit on them and hog on all the food.
  7. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    as for the hawkfish it was in my 240 gallon for a while. that beast was mean and no joke. I remember cortez marine. I did a side job for him at his house and gave him my mellers cameleon.
  8. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    nice. I am gonna go back today to get some water and gonna ask to see if they can get me a colony of it.
  9. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    Joe was a cool cat. I used to got there on my lunch breaks when I worked at san mateo credit union. actually underwater world is where i got several rare things like this gem. I have yet to see it in the trade since then. I wish i could get a small one.
  10. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    really? I would love to get my hands on the braching version. I really like the look of the coral. Its very different and nobody seemed to pay any attention to it when it was at OT because it wasn't a chalice, specialty coral or one of Ian's nice frags that he makes. too bad for them.
  11. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    I call it the Jaime limited Psammocora coral ;) ha ha
  12. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    hey gresh it is a Psammocora coral. in the book it says it is a uncommon coral. It came as a hitchhiker on a piece of fiji live rock I got from Underwater world in san bruno from joe. don't know if anybody remembers his store but he was the guy that taught me how to do saltwater tanks. anyway it...
  13. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    I always saw it on the sponsor portion, but I was pretty faithful to OT, aquarium concepts, and aquatic central. But one day I was on my fish store hopping round about with my girl and we were coming back from kings aquarium and aquarium showroom in SJ and said F it and navigated to it. damn I...
  14. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    remember the coral I had at OT for hella long? It was a brownish gold with orange eyes that encrusts over rocks. well Joe put it in their water and took a quick look and pulled out his corals of the world book and found it right away and it showed a perfect picture of it, but Joe said the color...
  15. JRocha

    AQUATIC COLLECTION is in my opinion the best fish store I have been to.

    I loved Ocean treasures and it was my favorite place for a long time. Since it went under I have been going to aquatic central for my water needs. I finally decided to go AQUATIC COLLECTION IN HAYWARD last weekend and, holy crap batman, I was really impressed. just so the readers know I have...
  16. JRocha

    clam murders my christmas wrasse

    yeah its a maxima and its about 4 inches. yes it released it but it was already dead. It probably has happened before but I don't know.
  17. JRocha

    clam murders my christmas wrasse

    It was getting crushed for about 5 minutes before it was released lifeless. it's a shame cause it was the first christmas wrasse I have ever been able to keep alive. I had it for about a year or more. I didn't see it happen I was looking into the tank on the opposite side and then saw some sand...
  18. JRocha

    clam murders my christmas wrasse

    yeah I don't think he will be spitting anything anytime soon. lol. Never seen that happen before. As for the algae, I haven't had a chance to do a full clean up on the acrylic. wish I did so I would have a clearer pic. Camera died right after the shot. so did the wrasse. :(
  19. JRocha

    clam murders my christmas wrasse

    I was looking into my tank for a few minutes and noticed my christmas wrasse spitting water at my clams and I guess he got too close and this is what happened........
  20. JRocha

    The "Justin method" of algae removal (Hydrogen Peroxide 3%)

    i only did it for that long because they are corals that have been in my system for quite sometime and I toothbrushed them while in the H2O2, so I figure the less time the better in the iodine since I put the coral through enough stress with the H2O2 dip. You don't have to do the iodine I just...