I was looking into my tank for a few minutes and noticed my christmas wrasse spitting water at my clams and I guess he got too close and this is what happened........
yeah I don't think he will be spitting anything anytime soon. lol. Never seen that happen before. As for the algae, I haven't had a chance to do a full clean up on the acrylic. wish I did so I would have a clearer pic. Camera died right after the shot. so did the wrasse.
Wow thats amazing you got a photo. How long was the wrasse trapped, did you see it happen and have the camera ready? Imagine if you didn't see it and just found a dead wrasse, no idea how he died.
It was getting crushed for about 5 minutes before it was released lifeless. it's a shame cause it was the first christmas wrasse I have ever been able to keep alive. I had it for about a year or more. I didn't see it happen I was looking into the tank on the opposite side and then saw some sand flying and looked over and the crushing was going down. I told my girl to grab her camera ale to get a pic in and she was able to get a pic in her battery died. I wouldn't be surprised if this has happened before and didn't even know it.