High Tide Aquatics

Search results

  1. JRocha

    The "Justin method" of algae removal (Hydrogen Peroxide 3%)

    you can use a soft toothbrush and scrub off the algae while its in the H2O2. it makes the hair algae come right off. do a iodine dip after the H2O2 bath and watch how your corals look the next day. I am very satisfied with what I did. good luck to whoever does this. I only had the corals in each...
  2. JRocha

    The "Justin method" of algae removal (Hydrogen Peroxide 3%)

    i just did this to over 10 pieces of coral. the way I decided to do this is, I had setup 3 small glass tanks that I bought at pet club for 10 bucks each. 1 tank had saltwater from my tank with hydrogen peroxide, the next tank had saltwater from tank and a shit load of kents tech I(iodine), and...
  3. JRocha

    any experiences with eco aqualizers?

    looked it up on reefcentral and they have a 9 page forum on trashing it. I figured that they tend to trash just about everything on reefcentral I would ask this here since everybody is very helpful.
  4. JRocha

    any experiences with eco aqualizers?

    I know someone who started using the product about a month ago and I was wondering if anybody has tried it themselves and what were the results? here is the website. http://www.ecoaqualizer.com/aquarium_filter/products.php
  5. JRocha

    I need a ReefresH20 biomedia block

    I have had a nitrate problem for several years now and I have tried just about everything. I've tried vodka dosing, purigen, wet skimming, huge water changes, and the only thing that worked really well was a ReefresH20 block. it dropped my nitrates to zero quick, but marine depot stopped selling...
  6. JRocha

    australomussa care?

    sweet. thanks for the info. I put them on the sand in a low current area. I hope they color up as they fluff up. they look like they just got them in. my tank tends to change corals colors after a while. i'm gonna take pics of them and compare a week or so from now.
  7. JRocha

    australomussa care?

    So I got lucky today at a LFS. I picked up two colonies of australomussas 1 is red and the other is green. I paid only 115 for both. But since I brought in some stuff I only paid 50. Anyway. Does anybody know where they liked to be placed and lighting needs?
  8. JRocha

    help! does anyone know who sells D&D salt for a reasonable price

    yeah somebody told me the same thing today.
  9. JRocha

    help! does anyone know who sells D&D salt for a reasonable price

    looks like I might have to go there depending on price. I go through it fast.
  10. JRocha

    help! does anyone know who sells D&D salt for a reasonable price

    i would, but I have been using this salt for a couple of months and I don't want to change salts again. The D&D salt works wonders for my tank. I guess I will have to pay the cost I guess. Marine depot sells it of 64 dollars but adds a 21 dollar fee for heavy shipping. looks like this is the...
  11. JRocha

    help! does anyone know who sells D&D salt for a reasonable price

    since Ocean treasures shut down I have no place to get it from. I could go to dublin to get it at aquarium concepts, but they are charging 89.99 for the 5 gallon bucket. so it would cost me over a hundred dollars after gas and toll to get it. So does anyone know where a LFS sells it for a...
  12. JRocha


    sweet/ maybe when I get home from Nassau I can come check them out if you still have them. I am coming home on monday the 21st.
  13. JRocha


    oh. didn't see it. must have passed it up.
  14. JRocha


    so how much are you asking for each piece and are we getting the colony or just a frag?
  15. JRocha

    help need id on nudi

    sweet. thanks for the info. the flatworm is no longer with us. so hopefully it was the only one.
  16. JRocha

    help need id on nudi

    Well its good to know. Looks like its on death row. Death comes tonight
  17. JRocha

    help need id on nudi

    Damn so should I just kill the guy or what