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  1. Sfork

    DIY Nano Skimmer

    That's what I ended up doing 8). That's why I got my 33.3g rimless mr aqua tank.
  2. Sfork

    DIY Nano Skimmer

    I don't think that will work with the intake on the collection cup under the water line. I'm using the AquaticLife 115 and it works great IMO. In fact your design looks exactly like it except for the intake being under the water line. edit: it is a bit loud. mine turns off when the lights...
  3. Sfork

    Sfork's 33.6 Gallon Mr. Aqua Rimless

    That's an option too. Right now all my pipes are painted a flat black so it looks not so bad, and all the wires will be tied to the back side of the light hanger. I'm sure once the tank is a bit older I'll get tired of cleaning any salt crust that finds it's way back there.
  4. Sfork

    Sfork's 33.6 Gallon Mr. Aqua Rimless

    Yeah haha everything's still kind of temporary as I slowly move livestock from the old tank to the new tank. Speaking of moving, I got this guy at Green Marine a few weeks ago and finally moved him into the new display. It has a lot of nice colors :) and went from 2 mouths to 4 1/2.
  5. Sfork

    ORA Mandarin Goby

    Recently? I saw that guy last week I think. The guy who runs that fish section is pretty cool.
  6. Sfork

    Green Astreopora

    Mine came with a bit of red hair algae which is taking over the frag. Because it's growing in a pit in the frag and not on the plug I'm going to have to peroxide dip it.
  7. Sfork

    ORA Mandarin Goby

    I've seen the same range. I think it has more to do with LFS's experience with them. When they first came out they were limited to 2 per store so the prices got jacked up (up to 80-100) also with the whole re-training thing one store I know ended up losing all theirs because they wouldn't take...
  8. Sfork

    Do Duncans Grow Sweepers? - UPDATED with Pics

    No sweepers on mine that I've seen but mine can sting things out of reach for sure, so maybe at night or something.
  9. Sfork

    ORA Mandarin Goby

    From what I've read you still have to train them again. The change in scenery(and probably their first time seeing/hunting pods) causes them to forget everything. Or at least, what I'm trying to say is that once they run out of pods they wont automatically revert back to pellets. The most...
  10. Sfork

    Was surfing the web looking at fish and found Thales.

    My search came up with this lol Attached files
  11. Sfork

    Sfork's First Salt tank!

    BTA started stinging a neon green toadstool, and started becoming green. in the whole year I've had it it's never displayed any green, also the clone across the tank has no signs of green and is in similar lighting.
  12. Sfork

    Sfork's 33.6 Gallon Mr. Aqua Rimless

    A few weeks of cycling and no algae bloom. Threw in some starter corals. 2 ugly sps and some nuke green palys and ring of fire zoas on my zoa/paly skull
  13. Sfork

    Sfork's First Salt tank!

    The first one came loose and hit a rock. This one just exploded, it was an off brand.
  14. Sfork

    Sfork's First Salt tank!

    Two busted heaters in one month! Glad I was home to hear this one go POP!@ (note: It was only above the water line because I turned everything off.)
  15. Sfork


    35 My new skull zoa/paly rock needs a nose.
  16. Sfork


    I got some fine grain took most of it out and left 1" on the bottom then covered it with larger grain sand. as for LPS not liking sand on top I've read it's actually beneficial as long as they can puff up and remove it later on. *edit, it's actually just chalices that like sand being blown...
  17. Sfork

    Surf's UP
  18. Sfork


    Especially if you dont use chrome.
  19. Sfork


    Same month same week Last year. (2010) Another thread that you started. Same month.
  20. Sfork

    Sfork's 33.6 Gallon Mr. Aqua Rimless

    Just spent 2 hours trying to figure out my new reef angel. Still no clue, guess it'll wait another day.