Cali Kid Corals

Sfork's First Salt tank!

the switch itself i got from jess but they sell them on ebay for like $6
the outer casing I got from home Depot a short PCV section for like 50 cents (size 1.25") and an end cap (size 1.50") Drilled some holes so water/air can go in and out there's on the bottom now too. The acrylic i just had laying around but it's like $3 for a small sheet at home depot, to bend it I just held it over a candle constantly moving it so it would heat up evenly, when it got bendy enough I just molded it to where i wanted it to go.

Nice meeting you at baymac, you handed me the frag for the BAYMAC tank and I was struggling to get your tape off lol.
no link sorry just search float switch on ebay. The switch is hooked up to a 12v relay which I don't remember how to explain.
Tim my tubastrea and dendros have gone though a phase where they balloon like that then return to tentacles. It may be flow. When they do not open at all I find that something has slowed the flow and moving them brings them out again. They are looking great.
Moving next week. So shutting down the desktop to move it (water cooled PITA to move). here's some stuff I wanted to post but never did. Mostly the frag rack, 3 of them at baymac. i actually made the frag rack fall while i was taking pictures so that's why some of the stuff is closed.









Yeah, I bought some corals from a guy and he gave me a free frag of micromussa. I thought he didn't know or messed up or something because It looked like a Gonipora to me and that's what I thought it was for the longest time. I didn't bother asking because the free coral was a surprise gift anyways.

here's what it looks like open

A yellow/clear sponge has decided to grow on my expired ammonia test. It's been pretty cool watching this thing grow over the past month. I figured I should start taking pictures of it.


Two busted heaters in one month! Glad I was home to hear this one go POP!@

(note: It was only above the water line because I turned everything off.)
What is killing your heaters?

I've only lost 3 heaters in 20 years. All but one were to a big fish that didnt like the 60 cycle noise.

BTA started stinging a neon green toadstool, and started becoming green. in the whole year I've had it it's never displayed any green, also the clone across the tank has no signs of green and is in similar lighting.
Once the RBTA went hulk on me it started growing like crazy. I had to chop it up today, Very interesting I've noticed it before but I thought it had something to do with inflation, but the BTA was actually growing asymmetrically MUCH much larger on the side that reaches towards the light.


