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  1. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Misc photos Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Last photo of system before DSA was added to house SPS and Maroon Clowns. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    This weekend, my DSA rimless was plumbed into my system increasing it to approximately 300g. Maroon Clown pair and SPS frags now live in the DSA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. livingwaterplanet

    mini frag swaps?

    +1 for WC...not far from the Tri Valley...on the weekends. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. livingwaterplanet

    How do you tell if a tank is SPS ready

    I placed a frag of Mike's green slimer after a 2 month cycle of my 200+ gallon system. Doing well so far. I am sure that volume plus Prodibio bacterial supplementation is helping stability.
  6. livingwaterplanet

    May Get Together Hosted by Roostertech 12-3pm

    My problem is that I have a lot of frag plugs without any frags :rolleyes: But my 187g Visio for fish/LPS is cycling well...and I am picking up my 105g DSA for SPS next weekend. Then I just need to figure out how to plumb both tanks together. I have met some of you (Bruce, Mario, Gabe, and Mike)...
  7. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Another reef addict... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0 Got a new big fish to show the maroon clowns who is boss! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    The Visio 187g is now cycled most likely accelerated by Dr. Tim's One and Only Bacteria and Ammonia, a small case of old Elos bacteria conditioners, Bioptim, and Biodigest. Fish were introduced two days ago and all have survived except one. A school of Banggai Cardinals, a Powder Blue Tang, and...
  10. livingwaterplanet

    Free ruby headed fairy wrasse

    Mike, I pm'd you. Maybe we can work something out after I pick up the livestock from Gabe on Sat am?
  11. livingwaterplanet

    187g is cycled. Added some clowns, banggais, and a Powder Blue Tang.

    187g is cycled. Added some clowns, banggais, and a Powder Blue Tang.
  12. livingwaterplanet

    Free ruby headed fairy wrasse

    I'm interested. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. livingwaterplanet

    Clownfish breeding set up

    A picasso and a snowflake breeding pair? Interesting...I just picked up a small school of both and noticed a picasso hanging out with a snowflake. Will be interesting how they all eventually pair up. You need a picasso or snowflake for one of your singles? Let me know as I have extra...if I...
  14. livingwaterplanet

    SoCal Aquarium Trade Tour

    Thank God for Waze! But even if I can plan an itinerary based on my non-reefing appointments, the traffic down here is horrendous all day. Every time I go down here, I realize that Bay Area traffic is not too bad.
  15. livingwaterplanet

    SoCal Aquarium Trade Tour

    I am in Southern California to visit friends and family and help out with my undergrad school UC Riverside's "Grad Slam." I am one of the judges and whoever wins goes on to compete with all UCs in SF. I guess I watch enough "reality" talent contests on TV to do this... Vivid Aquariums -...
  16. livingwaterplanet

    Our DSA Neo 105 Build

    The "wishbone" definitely looks like one piece. It looks great without coral. What do you guys plan to put on it? Acros? They will probably get somewhat the same PAR from the center through the left side of the wishbone ledge.
  17. livingwaterplanet

    Our DSA Neo 105 Build

    Not too far depending on 680 traffic...I'm in Livermore.
  18. livingwaterplanet

    Our DSA Neo 105 Build

    Thanks...that would be awesome as I need to replumb to my 187g and sump. Going for a 300g system. Are you East Bay?
  19. livingwaterplanet

    Our DSA Neo 105 Build

    Yes, I picked that up. Ghost drain on the back. Just love the shallow dimensions for SPS.
  20. livingwaterplanet

    Our DSA Neo 105 Build

    Small world, the DSA 105 I am purched includes a sump and skimmer traded from @Vhuang168. I purchased Wilson's set up with similar red plumbing as yours! Thanks for your advice. Maybe I should just run flex from this bean animal to my main sump?