High Tide Aquatics

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  1. livingwaterplanet

    Our DSA Neo 105 Build

    Just picked up the exact same tank with a bean animal drain into a sump below BUT I will likely connect it to my 187g sump. Since it will have a little distance (4 feet), I am thinking of just using the durso and capping the other two. Any feedback would be appreciated. BTW your build is...
  2. livingwaterplanet

    Apex Wifi wall mounted, rat's nest organized, and ATO is set up; it is ready to run on its own...

    Apex Wifi wall mounted, rat's nest organized, and ATO is set up; it is ready to run on its own or from the cloud. Fish coming soon.
  3. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Most are extension cords except the two MH ballasts on #2 and #3. It was very difficult to get them through the 2" hole. The last two were only able to get through because they were not thick extension cords - MH ballast cords. Yes, on the left are two MH ballasts. I had a pair of IceCaps...
  4. livingwaterplanet

    Leemar Starphire 290

    I just started cycling a 200g system last week and have lots of room. I'll drive to Pacifica all the way from sunny Livermore in case you need to find homes for livestock to make room ;-)
  5. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Apex and Tunze controllers now organized on the wall. Found an old iPhone 4 to use as a "remote control" in case I forget my current iPhone, iPad or MacBook. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Light fixture, water, and Apex are online! Gotta work on getting rid of microbubbles. Laying out controllers to mount on the wall. Apex trim seems to match the Elos Planet II! Is it weird to admit I missed playing with a skimmer and watching a fuge as much as growing a reef on the DT?
  7. livingwaterplanet

    Started cycling new tank

    Started cycling new tank
  8. livingwaterplanet

    In the beginning...

    Yes, yours is exactly the same footprint as mine! I love how shallow yours is, as I can barely reach the bottom of my tank even when I am on a platform designed to access 9 foot ceilings. But it is nice to have a total of 200 gallons with my sump. Awesome sump! BTW, thanks for the offer to...
  9. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Yes, work or $$$ I paid my movers just last Monday to pick it up all the way from Pleasanton to Livermore. Plus all the effort to loosen, save the original plumbing, and tighten the overflow bulkhead. I'll get used to the extra 10" ;-)
  10. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Very cool! So you have the same footprint? I would have preferred a shallower 20" but this tank was an offer I could not refuse.
  11. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    I am on sabbatical from work, so reefing is my day job right now ;-) I liked my first attempt, so I went with it. I only needed to epoxy a couple of rocks up high. I just realized that this scape is similar to my old Elos 70 scape except the "mountain" is on the left this time instead of the...
  12. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Ready for water! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. livingwaterplanet

    Metalwork on Light Hanger

    That would be awesome! I just started filling up my tank with RO/DI and will probably start cycling tomorrow. Already have dry rock cycling in my Brute. No need for light during cycling? I am picking up Mario's extra MH stuff for my MH/T-5 fixture. I'd like to get everything set up...
  14. livingwaterplanet

    Metalwork on Light Hanger

    This light hanger came with the used stand I bought to hang an Elos Planet 2. The pair of hangers need to be modified by 5-6 inches (lower max clearance) to fit in my planned location. Anyone have the knowledge and/or gear to help? Or any recommendations? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. livingwaterplanet

    Startover Test Kits

    I was hesitant in diving back into SPS right away due to negative SPS experiences in my old 55g tank BUT I understand a 187g is a different ballgame. Thanks for reminding me why I ended up buying a Hanna Checker in the first place. Yes, I am going for low nutrient. My last tank, I liked...
  16. livingwaterplanet

    Startover Test Kits

    After a 5 year break from the hobby, I am back with a 187g tank. See my tank journal. I just started to cycle dry rock in a Brute yesterday. Tank still needs more cleaning and plumbing. I hope to get rockscape and water in it in the next 7-10 days. I played around with a lot of test kits...
  17. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    Probably because it is almost a cube. It is 30" deep, 30" tall, and 48" long, which gives it a similar shape to my Elos 70 but with three times more volume and the overflow is centered instead of offset. The RC website calculates 187 gallons for its dimensions.
  18. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    It's a "Visio" glass tank custom built by Advance Aqua Tanks in LA. Euro-braced 48x30x30.
  19. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    garage...California's version of version of "basement"
  20. livingwaterplanet

    Living Water Planet Build 2.0

    My first attempt with my new tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk