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  1. Dongta408

    Berghia Nudibranch

    Does anyone have Berghia Nudibranch for sales? Have a outbreak going on..
  2. Dongta408

    Newbie on the Block

  3. Dongta408

    Been awhile...

    Yes it is
  4. Dongta408

    Been awhile...

    Here a pics from outside..
  5. Dongta408

    Been awhile...

    how BAR doing?? Been busy after reopen business, today is first time to have time for WC after 8week... tank is dirty. Here few pics before WC.
  6. Dongta408

    Hanna phosphate test kit questions.

    Ok guys. I did this for my experience, not to confuse anyone. Of course i understand how the test process. C1= tank water C2= tank + reagent Now I have 2 cuvette. One had reagent, one not After run the first test, i turn off the device and perform the test again. My question is why...
  7. Dongta408

    Hanna phosphate test kit questions.

    Time between test only couple minutes... would be made that difference? Just wonder..
  8. Dongta408

    Hanna phosphate test kit questions.

    I always did like what you said... but one day my phosphate out off my range, so i fill up another cuvette with the tank water and reruns the test again, the more i retest the more i get different values, my question is , first number is correct number? ( this is same package reagent)
  9. Dongta408

    Hanna phosphate test kit questions.

    Not about how quick you pour the powder package to vitals. Here what i did, i have 2 vitals tank water really, 1 fill with powder reagents, one not. Follow the test kit process and repeat ( remember you have to have a vital with the tank water only to alternate the process. )
  10. Dongta408

    Hanna phosphate test kit questions.

    Hi guys i confused about hanna testing, here what i had last 3 package testing, each package testing i tested 4 times. (Each time have different values results) Package 1: a) 0.16 b) 0.15 c) 0.06 c) 0.04 Package 2: a) 0.23 b) 0.21 c) 0.05 c) 0.03 Package 3: a) 0.18 b) 0.17 c) 0.02 c)...
  11. Dongta408

    Ecotech director and 6 wireless modules

    Me too.. i have a few included the one from @ofzakaria lf anyone need it pm me...
  12. Dongta408

    Bleaching or growing?

    Maybe this could be different, but i did acc mode for a week
  13. Dongta408

    Bleaching or growing?

    I used the same program AB with 65 intensity. Like i said everything the same, just diff gen
  14. Dongta408

    Bleaching or growing?

    Thay great and steady. P 0.02-0.06 N 4-7
  15. Dongta408

    Bleaching or growing?

    Same mounting, same spectrum, same intensity, just different generation from 3 to 4
  16. Dongta408

    Bleaching or growing?

    I could by less intensity, but i thought WD love high par?
  17. Dongta408

    Bleaching or growing?

    I can't rotate them, already encrusted to the rock, sitting around 320-360par, should i get defused?
  18. Dongta408

    Bleaching or growing?

    after changing to Radion pro g4 (from g3) around 3 weeks , my WD like this... before is more green but evenly both sides, have a lot PE also. Now is less Pe, colors more pale but still have encrusted...Parameters all same range, all acro n another coral is going great. Should be worried? Tia
  19. Dongta408

    Are they goner?

    You said up to 400 par?
  20. Dongta408

    Are they goner?

    Looks a lot better now... good doctor. Btw love your Og bounce, look huge n a lot bubbles, how long you have it? How big is it?