Cali Kid Corals

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  1. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    So I am getting very worried that my eel isn't alive, I have tried to add food to where I think he is and today tried holding a feeder guppy in the area I think he was hiding, no sighting. It has now been in the tank since June 22nd and I haven't seen him since the 26th. Any seggustions that...
  2. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    Thanks haven't ever had a non coral tank and I find myself wanting more action
  3. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

  4. Roc

    Has anyone successfully dealt with ....

    Mine didn't return, but again I lost about 4/5ths of my zoas, and the only ones that did return were hardy ones that had been through hell and back
  5. Roc

    Newby at BAR

    Was gonna say the same thing, yours going to be fighting algae every sec if you don't cover the back of the tank with something
  6. Roc

    Has anyone successfully dealt with ....

    i had them once, i tried for months to contain the issue, ended up pulling every zoa out, dripping then QTing before putting em back, was a huge pain in the ass and i lost a lot of stuff.
  7. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    Tried this but it didn't work, it was make by a loud noise when it was exposed, but wasn't enough to break the syphin. I ended up just turning the nozzle up a little, now it blows where I want and stops filling the sump during a power outage below the rim
  8. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    I was wondering how long I should wait before adding any other fish?
  9. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    Well did my 1st WC since adding fish and retested the water. The tests all came back perfect which was great. The fish seem to be eating well since I got some live shrimp, I'm a little concerned about the eel as I haven't seen it in about a week, but seems like a lot of ppl say that's true for...
  10. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    thanks for the tip
  11. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    thanks great info as always
  12. Roc

    IMPORTANT: Please Refrain from Lurking

    but i did for 10 years , i just dont have one currently...LOL
  13. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    I need to grab some been really busy the last 5 days, I had a huge party here for my moms 70th bday, retirement and 25 years sober and I had to cook for 75 ppl. In tank related news everyone is eating, although the lion fish seems to not have found a balance with the tusk and during lights on...
  14. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    Welp got my 1st 3 fish in the tank, Jess from Diablo hooked me up (thanks as always Jess) and I added my Lionfish, my snowflake eel and my Tusk to the tank on Wed. Didnt get the eel into the home i built, but hoping to get him to move over there by putting some food in the entrance way, the...
  15. Roc

    Cymen's 20G tall

    I have a 2 little fishes GFO reactor if you wanta buy it, Ill sell it for 30 bucks
  16. Roc

    Adding an Anemone. Is their a specific wait time?

    add them carefully, remember that they will walk to where they want to be even if thats the backside of your rockwork where you cant see em. You can redirect a nem using flow, if they set up somewhere you dont want them becasue maybe they arent getting hit with a direct flow from a powerhead...
  17. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    Finally finished the door, and started up the skimmer so I can be ready for fish next week
  18. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    Added a shrimp 2 days ago, this is the result
  19. Roc

    Roc's 120 version 2.0 - FOWLR tank

    6/18/16 Ammonia 0ppm Nitrate 10ppm Nitrite 0 Ph 8.0 Looks like I'm ready for fish
  20. Roc

    My 1st SW tank: Some macro shots...
