Neptune Aquatics

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  1. S

    Acan White Stuff

    It's mesenterial filaments so it's pretty much guts. They puke it out to attack other coral closely. The acan ate it back up later that day which is interesting @___@. Here's an interesting video: (I have no idea what's going on with this one but lots of things dying, seems like the acan-ish...
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    Seaslugteam Tank Journal

    That's an interesting trick. Maybe I'll try that next time. Although that might be a few months away. Also, too late on the acros. I lost about 6 acro/millepora frags over the last 6 months. I think I'll just avoid them forever now. I like LPS better than those fuzzy stick anyway.
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    Seaslugteam Tank Journal

    Tank Updates: I installed a ATO and dosing pump this weekend. This should give me more time. On a relate note, I went out and purchased a 40G breeder from Petco. This will be a very long all-in-one project over the next 6 months. I hope to get other reefers input on what features to add in this...
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    Acan White Stuff

    I figured it was mesenterial filaments. I guess it was getting annoyed at the algae and tried to attacked it. @Coral reefer, I have never been too keen on keeping algae down. I guess it came from the freshwater Walstad method. I'll probably need to get rid of it soon though since the wife wants...
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    Acan White Stuff

    I saw some white stuff on my acan lord earlier today. Can't seem to I.D. what it is. I have a suspision of what it is but I would like to hear everyone's suggestions/solution first. Note, most of it seems to be on the top head but there is one escapee!
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    DBTC: Pink Zipper Zoanthids

    Thank you for the cool coral. It's acclimating in my tank currently :).
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    Heater Efficiency and Size

    I think all heater are 100% efficient so it doesn't matter the size. Essentially heat usually the by product of power consumption (you're heating the same amount that you consume). Using 2 smaller heaters is the way to go due to heater failure. If one of the heater fails on, then it shouldn't...
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    DBTC: Pink Zipper Zoanthids

    I'm also interested in this DBTC.
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    DBTC: Green Hammer

    Sign me up please.
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    Which dosing pump to get?

    @wpeterson & @Nav, which Jebao pump model are you using? There seems to be quite a bit on the market. (Also, my arduino dosing pump experiment has failed so I will probably go the commercial route).
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    Bulk additives (Alk, Cal, Mag)

    I think with dosing, alk is the only one that needs to be dosed with any urgency. You can probably leave calcium and mag for a full week and you'll be fine. It really depends on your setup and how much coral you're growing and the type you're planning to keep. If your alk isn't swinging by more...
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    Seaslugteam Tank Journal

    Tank Updates: I purchased the tunze 3155 ato from BRS this weekend. I was manually topping off my tank which was extremely tiresome since it goes through about 15 gallon of topoff per week (I was using a drip system so it wasn’t that bad but still needed some adjustments). I was looking to...
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    Free older oceanic 120g (modified)

    I would have loved the tank but being in an apartment. The issue is the WIFE!!! WHY DOES SHE NOT WANT TO HAVE FISH TANKS ALL OVER THE PLACE?
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    Anathema's 155G

    It's funny because when I was looking at the photos, I was thinking "Hey that's a lot of 'swimming' room unlike most reef aquariums." I like that it doesn't look cramp also. Looking good.
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    Your first reef tank (and mistakes)

    Just wanted to say it's super fun to read about everyone's first tank & mistakes (hopefully learning from it). Also, I'm still on my first tank so no mistakes here :P.
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    How should I ship tiny starfish?

    I think most LFS will give it to you for free if you ask politely.
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    DBTC - Electric orange, green, red striped psycho shroom

    I think the hope is that eventually everyone will get one :). Also, the suspense is killing me!!!
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    fav method for cleaning the OUTSIDE of your glass?

    I have an acrylic tank but I would assume this process works just as well. Use plain RO water with a micro fibre cloth. The micro fibre picks up any random oil and there isn't any chemical needed. This is what is used for my glasses also so I'm guessing it works fairly well with glass tanks.
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    DBTC - Electric orange, green, red striped psycho shroom

    Sign me up for the lottery also if there's a spot available.
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    Powerhead Battery Backup

    I think if you want to get it working with neptune apex, it's best to avoid the jeabao battery backup all together (there might be ways to get it work work but probably not worth the effort). As @tygunn suggested, it's probably best just to use a UPS (uninterruptible power supply). With this...