Cali Kid Corals

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  1. 1NC0GNIT0

    Green hair algae

    yes, H2o2 works great with a tooth brush.
  2. 1NC0GNIT0

    Who throws away coral?

    I have tossed out a piece of GSP after it attached to the glass. The mother did not look very healthy and had some white stuff growing on it. Seemed like the thing to do since the propagation on the glass looked so much better. I would imagine a lot of us here have tossed out coral from time to...
  3. 1NC0GNIT0

    Am I reading this right?

    Good lord...2000 ml????
  4. 1NC0GNIT0

    RO system troubleshooting

    Few thoughts. Bad gauge? Clogged flow restrictor? Smart buddie malfunction? Check all your pre filters?
  5. 1NC0GNIT0

    Reeferpat's tank journal

    Welcome to BAR! Very nice additions to your Awesome tank!
  6. 1NC0GNIT0

    Insane Salt prices?

    You can get IORC on amazon for 25 cents per gallon if you buy the 160G container. It even comes with a nice bucket!
  7. 1NC0GNIT0

    DBTC: Indo Pink Tip Frogspawn

    I transferred this from my thread. @frankw is in line ahead of you @GaryWithOneR Nick might be able to frag his and make some more available. I wont have a frag available for awhile.
  8. 1NC0GNIT0

    DBTC: Indo Pink Tip Frogspawn

    I ment the one on the right.
  9. 1NC0GNIT0

    What is this SPS?

    It is all purple except new growth is lighter/almost white
  10. 1NC0GNIT0

    Palythoa help identifying

    I do have them at the bottom of the tank. probably ~100 PAR These are right next to them and they look closer to the nuclear green.
  11. 1NC0GNIT0

    PIF: pulsing zenia, GPS, green toadstool, kenya tree

    ok, I do not get up there often and will keep you in mind if I do. Thanks!
  12. 1NC0GNIT0

    PIF: pulsing zenia, GPS, green toadstool, kenya tree

    Where are you located? I would like a pulsing zenia and green toadstool if you are close enough to me.
  13. 1NC0GNIT0

    DBTC: Nuclear Green paly

    I just added Nuclear Green paly to DBTC. Request a frag to be notified when they are available. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  14. 1NC0GNIT0

    DBTC: Frog spawn

    just msg me. Remember I live in Stockton but can meet up at my work in San Jose also.
  15. 1NC0GNIT0

    Palythoa help identifying

    Thank You! and yes they will stay in the sand.
  16. 1NC0GNIT0

    DBTC: Purple Stylophora

    I just added Purple Stylophora to DBTC. Request a frag to be notified when they are available. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  17. 1NC0GNIT0

    Palythoa help identifying

    Got this from @Srt4eric and need to identify.
  18. 1NC0GNIT0

    What is this SPS?

    Got this from @Wlachnit and need to identify.
  19. 1NC0GNIT0

    DBTC: Frog spawn

    I just added Frog spaw to DBTC. Request a frag to be notified when they are available. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  20. 1NC0GNIT0

    DBTC: Kryptonite Candy Cane

    I just added Kryptonite Candy Cane to DBTC. Request a frag to be notified when they are available. This thread was automatically created by BARcode