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  1. 1NC0GNIT0

    What other pets do you have?

    Thank You. My wife wanted a farm so I gave her one. We are only missing a horse. Probably will get my daughter one in the near future but we will have to board it, no more room on our farm. We only have 1/2 an acre.
  2. 1NC0GNIT0

    Xavier’s Yellow Zoas

    WOW those are amazing!
  3. 1NC0GNIT0

    What other pets do you have?

    LOL here we go. Two Love Birds. Pebbles(White) and Bam-Bam(Blue)! Four Dogs. Dulli, Zin Zin, Maddie and May(Sisters) Dulli(Retriever) the oldest of the bunch, Zin Zin(Maltipoo) and my son's dog Midnight(Mastiff/Retriever mix?) Maddie our new fur baby(2mo). Belgian/German Sheppard mix. And...
  4. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Good news! The bacterial bloom is clearing up! The Coospider Sun JUP-02 Aquarium U/V Filter worked over night. Before And After one night The UV filter was the key to this problem and it was very affordable at only about $40. You can see it on the right side in the back. Even adds some...
  5. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    good advice. I will not use the Microbacter clean again. Have already added 10 trochus snails and a lawnmower blenny.
  6. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Ordered a UV unit today. It will be here tomorrow. Thank You for the help.
  7. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Well it sounds like I just need to let the tank balance it self out. I will continue to clean the filter and change water. Thank You for the help.
  8. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Update 6-12-21 About two weeks ago I added Microbacter Clean and my tank started to cloud up over night. I have not dosed Microbacter Clean since and the tank continues to cloud up. I have done several 15(41.66%) gallon water changes. A couple per week, two consecutive days and then skipping a...
  9. 1NC0GNIT0

    Hello from Livermore.

    Hello and Welcome!
  10. 1NC0GNIT0

    Baby Trochus Snail

    Will you be going to the frag swap? If so please bring some.
  11. 1NC0GNIT0

    Fragging/Dipping workshop 6/5, 10a-12p

    Wanted to say Thank You so much! Had a great time getting to know everyone. The amount of information shared was awesome! Its nice to have such a valuable resource, be able to ask questions and get input from those that have been reefing for so many years. Looking forward to the upcoming frag...
  12. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    1 Emerald Crab 1 Hermit Crab 1 Astraea Snail 1 Yellow watchmen Goby 2 Nassarius Snails 1 Very small star fish that I have no idea where it came from
  13. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Since adding the light, the algae is starting to grow to the point it is waving in the current. Have added MicroBacter Clean twice and each time my tank gets cloudy for three or four days. My question is should I keep adding the MicroBacter or let the ugly phase run its course?
  14. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Was looking at my tank this morning and noticed the copepod population is booming. They completely cover the glass. have only treated the tank with two 16 ounce bottles and have been feeding phytoplankton daily(10mg) for a couple of weeks now. Very happy :D
  15. 1NC0GNIT0

    DBTC: Fruit Loops zoanthids

    I will be going to the frag swap and can meet you there or drop by and pick up when in SF on the 26th. Thanks!
  16. 1NC0GNIT0

    Old reefer, new member.

    Welcome! Look forward to getting to know you and meet at the frag event this weekend.
  17. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Looks like the magnesium checker will be salifert. That will complete my test kit. Hanna ULR is what I use for phosphorus. Its very easy with only one reagent and accurate.
  18. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Water parameters today. Temp 78 Salinity 35 PH 8.3 Nitrates 5 Phosphates 0.233 or 76ppb Alk 9.1 Cal 420 Mag NA Still need meter. I was thinking about getting the Hanna but prefer some suggestions.
  19. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Ok I took the advice and moved the paly to the sand bed for now. Also moved the power heads again. I am struggling to find where to place them and not get flow that blows my sand everywhere. Placed them both in the back corner so the flow goes to each front corner of the tank. One 1600gph AC...
  20. 1NC0GNIT0

    Cog's 36g Reef(Upgraded to 90g)

    Thanks! It was honestly the nicest piece they had at the lfs.