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  1. myi8909

    Leather mushroom

    I was a total noob at the time
  2. myi8909

    Leather mushroom

    Have this large 5 inch leather mushroom that im willing to give away for free. It was one of the first softies I bought at neptune ($100 at the time) and I'm running out of room so its been neglected in the corner. Pickup in foster city.
  3. myi8909

    DBTC: Walt Disney

    Would love that piece!!
  4. myi8909

    Nem just split..... Then split again

    I have one that must have split over 40 times by now over 2 years. Not even exaggerating
  5. myi8909

    DBTC: Walt Disney

    beautiful pieces!
  6. myi8909

    Myi89's Mixed Reef Red Sea Reefer 250 Short video of my tank in all blues.
  7. myi8909

    DBTC - PC Rainbow acro

    putting my name down for the next one
  8. myi8909

    Palmers blue Millie (Bondolo)

    id like one please!
  9. myi8909

    I popped a couple zoas...

    you can throw some carbon in your sump if you're worried.
  10. myi8909

    Don't do what I did

    just watch your nitrates... don't let them bottom out since you've done a lot of water changes and your po3 is imbalanced.
  11. myi8909

    Biota Fish

    Ultimate Aquarium in san mateo has captive bred mandarins from $100. I've gotten biota mandarins from california reef co in the past but I didn't see any in stock recently.
  12. myi8909

    Day Job?

    Luckily, I got my PhD before I got addicted to reefing :)
  13. myi8909

    Day Job?

    Research scientist at a biotech company
  14. myi8909

    How would you stock a Reefer 170?

    +1 on the midas blenny. Beautiful fish with a big personality. The only caveat is that they are known to jump so I'd recommend a lid of some sorts.
  15. myi8909

    DBTC: Walt Disney

    interested if available
  16. myi8909

    Myi89's Mixed Reef Red Sea Reefer 250

    Scored this gold torch from Aquatic Collection on Black Friday. Dragon Soul torch with a photobomb by the blotchy anthias.
  17. myi8909

    Myi89's Mixed Reef Red Sea Reefer 250

    Full Tank Shot Dec. 2020 One of the first corals I ever bought. Lobophyllia from Neptune. BC Bonfire from the group buy. Encrusting very nicely. SC Orange passion BC Rainbow Melon Tenius. One of the best looking acros in my tank. Unknown named tort.
  18. myi8909

    Trident reagent 6 month supply?

    Thanks for the links @RandyC! I got a notification from BRS and all the kits were sold out within 5 minutes.
  19. myi8909

    What little thing in reefkeeping changed your life?

    Definitely my trident and Hannah phosphate checker. Interpreting results with the colors is such a pain in the ass.
  20. myi8909

    MP40 wet side

    No worries. Thanks for your generosity!