Neptune Aquatics

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  1. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    Thanks. It's definitely a 6 foot nice job. At 1 foot it looks a bit messy (dripped solvent, chipped teeth.) I'm pretty happy with it for my first adventure into acrylics.
  2. konkers

    Neptune Apex Controller and dosing pumps

    One more plus I just discovered. The Defer command lets you filter out spurious switch signals (debouncing.) This is great for my auto top off float switch which can be momentarily triggered by ripples in the sump or oscillations in how full my overflow is.
  3. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    FTS: Yellow Tang: Clownfish:
  4. konkers

    Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

    Last December my neglected 14 gal BioCube developed a small leak. It had never really done well and it's sole surviving inhabitants were a clownfish, a hermit crab, and a handful of snails. I used this as an excuse to upgrade the tank and learn more about proper care. I went with an...
  5. konkers

    Neptune Apex Controller and dosing pumps

    I've only had it running for 5 days or so now. In general I like it a lot however there are some minor annoyances. Things I like: Outlets are easy to set up. The simple programming language works well for everything I've tried so far (lights, top off pump, sump pump, powerheads)...
  6. konkers

    Neptune Apex Controller and dosing pumps

    I just encountered the same issue with my top off pump when setting up my Apex this weekend. The Energy Bar 8 manual has a few suggestions including hooking a small light up in parallel with the pump. I got some lamp extension cords and night lights at home depot and plugged a night light into...
  7. konkers

    Acrylic fabrication question? I'll be available !

    Something to keep the hose from crimping. Like:
  8. konkers

    Acrylic fabrication question? I'll be available !

    I just finished my overflow box last night and weld-on 16 seems to be holding the tube well. I'm thinking of adding some sort of strain relief however.
  9. konkers

    DIY Acrylic Sump

    Sendo, I'm also building a small sump. I've found an invaluable resource. Here's my current design. It's only 12" tall. I'm probably going to bump that up to 14. Hanging on the side is a Aqua Force skimmer: