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  1. M

    Farewell BAR!

    In a couple days I'll be all packed up and moving my whole family and life to Minnesota. I'm sure I'll still pop in here and there (gotta see what @Bruce Spiegelman does with my old tank!), but for the most part I will no longer be active on the forum or the hobby. I just wanted to pop in and...
  2. M

    Lots of reef rock *gone*

    Free, but you have to take everything by Saturday! *gone* More info here: https://www.bareefers.org/forum/threads/lots-of-dry-rock.34355/
  3. M

    PIF: Electronics cabinet *gone*

    Nice and sturdy. Come pick it up in south San Jose.
  4. M

    PIF: mushrooms *gone*

    @Da_Neefer gave me these (circled), and I'm passing them along. Pickup San jose I also have a bunch of my blue/green/yellow yuma to share
  5. M

    PIF clowns and nems *gone*

    I have 2 clowns (male is a Picasso correction, I believe it's a snowflake) and a rock with 4 rbta on it that I would like to pass along to a good home. Have to take fish and nems. I have had the female for probably 13 years and the male for maybe 10. They lay eggs regularly when settled. I have...
  6. M

    PIF: Vectra L1

    Vectra L1 that was passed to me from @Srt4eric. It does have some magnet housing swelling Pickup San jose
  7. M

    PIF: Quarantine stand

    Great for 10g, 20long etc. 5.5feet long, 12.75" wide. Light bar/stabilizer feet can be removed if desired.
  8. M

    Insulated shipper boxes

    Anyone interested?
  9. M

    PIF: 5 gallon jugs

    Used to carry rodi water. Have been sitting empty in my garage for years.
  10. M

    Python water changer hose type

    Does anyone know what type of hose the python water changer uses? It's softer than normal vinyl tubing. I would like to use it for a different application without having to buy all the fittings with it...
  11. M

    PIF: 5" Blue Hippo Tang

    With great sadness, I have realized it is time to re-home this fish. This is one of the very first fish I got, as a innocently uneducated new reefer in ~2010. I have known this fish longer than I have known my wife! Affectionately known around my house as "big blue" this fish unfortunately...
  12. M

    Good deal on magnetic stirrer

    Seems like a pretty good price on a magnetic stirrer. Seems like these come in handy in our hobby. ONiLAB Magnetic Stirrer with 4PCS Stir Bars,Magnetic Mixer with Stirring Capacity 3000ml (No Heating) https://a.co/d/hRbGOLP
  13. M

    RODI problems

    Anyone have any ideas what could be going on with my RODI system? I have a 7 stage with separate cation/anion/mixed DI. All of a sudden I have 10 TDS going into the cation, and 11 tds coming out of the anion. Anion was fairly newly refilled, so I took the canister off and tapped it on the...
  14. M

    PIF: 28"x28"x36" stand *gone*

    Originally built this stand for a 24"x24" footprint frag tank, then had my IM 25 lagoon on it. Picked up an APS stand for my lagoon, so I don't need this. I wouldn't call it furniture grade by any stretch, but it's not horrible looking. Very sturdy. Pickup in San Jose.
  15. M

    Meshmez's IM 25 Lagoon

    So I have an Innovative Marine 25 lagoon. I have used this as a frag tank/coral quarantine. I decided I don't want my anemones in my new DT, so I have decided to move my clownfish and BTAs to the 25 lagoon, making it a nem/softy tank! I had planned on using crushed coral/rubble substrate to...
  16. M

    One power supply to rule them all?

    Is there any reason I couldn't use something like this: Mean Well LRS-350-24 DC Switching Power Supply, 24V 14.6A 350W https://a.co/d/2qu7hZ2 To power 4 pumps that are 24vdc and have a total power supply current of 10A? It seems like this would be a great way to reduce all the power supplies...
  17. M

    Free rock

    Free. Pretty sure it's the man made concrete and colored type, not really sure exactly. In San Jose.
  18. M

    Free brs dosers

    They work, likely need to replace the tubing. They are the slow ones for dosing 2 part, not the fast for topoff. Pickup in San jose
  19. M

    Any Comcast gurus here?

    Im having a kinda weird issue with my cable, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. Certain channels have been pixelating pretty badly, which just started a month or so ago. I have called a few times and they tell me they will report it to programming or something. Yesterday I discovered...
  20. M

    Less wasteful sand rinsing?

    I have a bunch of new sand I need to rinse for my new tank, but sticking a hose in a bucket and letting it overflow until it's clean seems overly wasteful in the drought we're in... At the end of the day the amount of water is probably negligible... But still feels wrong. I've also never had...