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  1. Fish Boss

    Club guidelines for DBTC and swaps after discovery of pests?

    I was wondering if we could work together and come up with some guidelines on how about to proceed with swaps and DBTC when we discover we have pests. DBTC is one of my favorite parts of this club, I think its so cool how you can share your corals with others, while also providing yourself a...
  2. Fish Boss

    She said yes!

    So my girlfriend and I were walking our dog around a bit, and we stopped by carter’s pet supply. Not a big fan of the saltwater section part of the store, but Its the closest LFS to our house, and I like to show her and teach her stuff. They had a peacock mantis shrimp, and at first was kind of...
  3. Fish Boss

    Zoa and paly ID?

    Just wondering if anyone knows/can confirm the names on these? Bought them at neptunes a while back. The employee said the paly’s are long haired palys, zoas are candy apples. Pictures are pretty close to how they look irl, the paly’s fluoresce a kind of pink color under blues
  4. Fish Boss

    Opinions on lighting and heating parameters

    So I’ve had a few thoughts that I’ve been occasionally thinking about, and wanted to get everyone else’s opinions. 1. Lighting schedule: what is your preferred lighting schedule? What do you think is a good length of time to have your lights on? Does intensity, relatively speaking, affect...
  5. Fish Boss

    Craziest acro polyp extension that I have seen

    been lights out in my tank for a while, and I was looking for montipora eating nudibranchs, and noticed this crazy polyp extension on my acro! Hard to get a good picture, they look a bit more extended in person. The white part is all new growth, it was flat when I got it. Feel like its a good...
  6. Fish Boss

    Think I got some monti eating nudibranchs!

    Good news is, my frags are still small, so should be easy to dip and monitor them going forward
  7. Fish Boss

    Jake’s 90 gallon mixed reef

    So I first got into the hobby around the end of 2015-early 2016. I always thought saltwater tanks were cool, and had always wanted a clownfish. I lived 5 minutes away from neptunes at the time, and one day my sister wanted to check it out, so we drove over. We were instantly wowed by all of the...
  8. Fish Boss

    How has everyone’s corals from the swap been doing?

    I’m surprised by how well mine have been doing! Great polyp extension on everything, toadstools had pretty good extension the next day, even better the day after. Been dialing in my flow, I have quite a lot of flow around the edges of my tank, trying to dial that back a bit and redirect more...
  9. Fish Boss

    Picked up some awesome clowns today!

    Picked up some awesome clowns from @Woeday today! I went all in for the clowns raffle at the swap, and didn’t win lol, so I decided to buy some! If you are looking for clownfish, check out his stock, he has a nice selection! Check out those fins!
  10. Fish Boss

    Thoughts on cleaning up DBTC threads a bit?

    So first off, I think it is very awesome that there are so many DBTCs these days! It is a really cool program, and its cool seeing so many people participating. I just submitted interest in a few of the trumpet coral DBTCs, and I noticed at least one was fairly old, over 2 years old, the...
  11. Fish Boss

    Thoughts on ceramic media?

    I’ve used the marine pure balls before, they seemed to work pretty. Been thinking about getting the thick plate this time since I have a sump, and I feel like it would do a good job at bringing nitrates down. But I’ve also heard recently that they leach aluminum into the water. I also watched a...
  12. Fish Boss

    Thoughts on saltwater mollies in a reef tank?

    Hey everyone, I read recently about how mollies are used to see if fish or entire aquriums have disease. The idea is you take a freshwater molly, slowly acclimate it to saltwater, and then add it into a quarantine or aquarium. Since the fish shouldnt have any resistance to saltwater pathogens...
  13. Fish Boss

    Need help with barcode

    Can someone link me a post or give me a quick rundown on how to use barcode? Thanks!
  14. Fish Boss

    Back from a 6 year or so break!

    Hey everyone, I joined BAR some years ago, I was brand new to the hobby, had some successes as well as failures, but I’m back now! Had a 40 breeder before, no sump, learned a lot. Been wanting to get back into the hobby, so I was looking for a good deal on a 6 ft tank, found a 90 bowfront for...
  15. Fish Boss

    Sooo my female clown is getting very wiggle-y

    so normally my female clown just beats up my male night and day, 24/7. The first month or 2 of being beat up, he would lay on his side and vibrate, thus submitting. Fast forward until now, he’s been getting beat up the past year and a half, and he fights back a bit now, rarely submits. Just now...
  16. Fish Boss

    [Grow-out Contest]: Greyhound Zoa

    So I bought this colony from diablo corals ~ a couple of months ago, I’m pretty sure it is a no-name zoa so I named it Greyhound so it can have a common name. If someone knows the common name, we can change it. This coral might be a paly, when fragging it I noticed it had a small shell piece...
  17. Fish Boss

    PSA one year Anniversary Brentwood reef supply sale

    So Andy is going to have a sale on 3/30-3/31, and he sent out codes to everyone on his email list. He gave me a 20% off all livestock code. I’m probably only going to spend $20 or so, if anyone wants to buy something big you can have my code, just give me a coral or something lol. He’s had this...
  18. Fish Boss

    The triton method

    Hello everyone! Just wondering who here uses the triton method for maintaining their reef. I guess my main questions would be 1. What’s your total water volume? 2. Approximate fuge volume 3. Macroalgae choice? 4. Total gallonage of water changed a month 5. Do you do anything different or use...
  19. Fish Boss

    Equipment for a 55g long

    So I’m giving @ashburn2k ‘s 55g long tank to my brother so he can start a reef tank, so I wanted to gather an equipment list. I bought a 20g long tank that will be used as a sump. Today we will be filling the tanks with water to ensure there are no leaks. Tank will most likely be mixed reef...
  20. Fish Boss

    Anyone want to do a grow out contest?

    So I was just about to frag my zoas, and then I thought, “ hey, I have about 30 heads, and the stalks are about an inch long, so it would be easy to frag single heads!” If you guys want to do a grow out contest, just let me. I was thinking if no one know the name to these, we should give them a...