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  1. G

    PSA: free stuff Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. G

    Feeding live clams

    I finally got my copperband eating. Tried live black worms, didn’t tough it. After a few days, it is now chowing down on fresh Manila clams from Ranch 99. I shuck it open and leave it on the shell in a pouch and let it pick it at all day. I just realized that I could be introducing marine...
  3. G

    Free tigertail cucumber

    Available for pickup immediately in Palo Alto. First come first serve. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. G

    Grade my clam

    With all this talk of clams, I have no idea what "grade" my 6 inch maxima is. Looked online and can't find any accepted grading system. Of course there are some gorgeous "ultra" clam photos, but I suspect that there is some degree of grade inflation when it comes down to the actual product...
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    Rodi low pressure trouble shooting

    I need some help with my rodi system. I'm getting much lower pressure before my RO membranes based on inline pressure gauge. I have the 6 stage deluxe brs system. I added a chloramine monster after the carbon blocks so it is setup as: 1 micron sediment filter --> 1 micron carbon block --> 1...
  6. G

    Intestinal parasites?

    I believe that this is a sign of intestinal parasites, but since I haven't seen this before wanted to check with the club before I start to take action. I have two angelfish that have this white stringy poop. They are otherwise doing great, active, eating well, appear healthy. Is this...
  7. G

    Free Caribbean Jewel Damselfish

    Free to supporting member. About 2 inches. Under reef lights his spots sparkle brighter than this photo. The colors do fade as they mature, and he is a typical damsel in terms of feistiness. Pickup in Palo Alto or Neptune's this weekend or upcoming coral farmers market (before it opens)...
  8. G

    Free LTA nem

    Would anyone be interested in a long tentacle anemone? It is not that "long" yet, but it is growing with feedings. Purple tips. Pickup in Palo Alto this weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. G

    Crawl space drain

    Hi guys and gals, As I've posted before I'm setting up for continuous water change with dos, about 1.5 gallons per day. I'm planning on draining into my existing pipe under the house. If I really wanted to, I could run the tube all the way to the front of the house structure where I have a...
  10. G

    Ap700 into LED fixture

    Hi guys and gals, Seeking advice regarding adding t5 to my lighting. I've been contemplating all the different ways I could add t5 to my current ap700s. It's a 5 foot tank. I've been considering buying a used ati sunpower fixture and placing the ap700s in the middle, leaving out 2-3 bulbs...
  11. G

    Big tube for clownfish slide

    Does anyone have something like this or have a good suggestion for where to get one? Has any tried this technique? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. G

    Free ruby headed fairy wrasse

    I have a ~3.5-4in ruby headed fairy wrasse who is in great health. Just completing TTM. I'm not keeping him because I just got a sebae nem and want to add some clarkiis too and am concerned that my tank is getting overstocked...
  13. G

    Calcium reactor AND 2 part?

    Hey guys, considering a calcium reactor, but don't really know where to start. Read good reviews about the Geo 618. Any recommendations for a good regulator? Will one day plan on upgrading from a 140g system to maybe 200g. Another question is I've heard it can be a pain to dial in the dosing...
  14. G

    Drilling hole into crawl space

    I'm planning on drilling a hole behind my tank in the hardwood floor, through sub floor and into the crawl space. It would give me access to fresh air for the skimmer, and would allow me to plan for autotop off and continuous water change with large nsw containers and draining waste water into...
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    Photos for frag swap

    Some corals may close at the swap from handling, also not sure about the lighting etc. I'm going to link to this thread on my label. Nothing fancy. Bringing two acans and a ricordia. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. G

    PAR data

    As @yellojello suggested in the PAR meter borrowing thread, maybe it would be helpful for some to have data posted regarding PAR levels at different depths, as many of us have similar equipment. Given that there are differences in tank size, light height/configuration, this may still be useful...
  17. G

    Egg ID

    Any idea what laid these eggs? Second time I've seen them. Both times high up near water surface. Only possible fish would be clowns or anthias, but don't look like the pictures online. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. G

    Dosing Nitrate

    As mentioned in an earlier thread, I've been considering dosing nitrate to my tank. Just a brief summary for those that haven't been following my fallow build thread. I have a ~110g DT with a 30g sump. I've been running a full zeovit system almost from the beginning, thus have had what is...
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    Vermatid snails?

    I've got a few of these things growing, usually around corals. This is a photo of a bird of paradise, these tubes grew out from around the fragged edges. At first I thought they were just how the coral was healing itself. But now I'm wondering whether they are vermatid snails. I don't see...
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    Stocking fish

    So I'm trying to figure out my next fish and would love to hear your opinions regarding my plans for stocking the rest of my fish in my 109g DT, 139g total, full zeovit system. I currently have 3 blue-green chromis, a pair of clowns, a melanarus wrasse, a royal flasher wrasse, and a tailspot...