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  1. PhotoSniper

    OT: OMG Neptune Systems support is sssoooooooooo sssllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwww

    So I filed a ticket back in min November. No one got back to me, so I called in December, and got an RMA. I didn't hear anything so I called again early January and I was told my DDS was lost and I would be getting a new one!!! I said great. When would I be getting the new DDS... I was told...
  2. PhotoSniper

    LF: recommendations on prefab or custom rail system for 3 Kessil AP9X

    Currently I am using kessil's mounting arms my for each of my two AP9X. I want to add another AP9X to increase the PAR. Therefore, I would have three AP9X's on the rail. Any recommendations?
  3. PhotoSniper

    Trident NP is it worth it

    Just getting a feeler to see if anyone has used the Trident NP and is happy with it, or is it just another useless dead paper weight.
  4. PhotoSniper

    Propagating corals

    Just curious do people propagate proactively these days or let nature take it's course and wait it out. How was your success rate for each method? I would love to work on a DBTC, but I am afraid of not being successful. My intention to propagate is not for monetary/profit reasons, but mainly...
  5. PhotoSniper

    Need help with gargling sound for overflow

    As I had set up my 50 gallon quarantine tank, I am running into gargling sound that I cannot see to suppress. Anyone have a solution? I’ve tried several method and none seem to work. I created a video I only have a return and a drain and no emergency drain.
  6. PhotoSniper

    Filter roller - what's your take?

    I am thinking of investing in a filter roller. What are your take on filter rollers and which brand would you recommend?
  7. PhotoSniper

    Nori feeder… what do you use?

    So I’ve been using a clip to feed my tangs, but I feel after 8 hours or so, it fals put or gets ripped and ends up in the sump. What do you guys use?
  8. PhotoSniper

    WAV and Neptune System Customer service

    Has the Neptune Systems customer service gone down hill? I opened a ticket almost 7 days ago. The customer service rep replied the next day, and since then I've been given the silent treatment. My issue has been around my WAV pumps not responding. I used to connect them to 1Link ports on the...
  9. PhotoSniper

    No quarantine!?!?

    Have you guys read this post on reef2reef? It’s really intrigued, but this is risky considering the number of parasites out there. Thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. PhotoSniper

    AP700 connection issue solved? Possibly!!!!

    For sometime I’ve been struggling in getting my AP700 connected to my home network. But most importantly, I’ve been having some flickering issues with the lights. I just want to say, Kessil support is freaking awesome. They’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty. Ok... now to the...
  11. PhotoSniper

    Mega clam

    As i was visting my family and my wife’s family in SoCal, I stumbled upon an LFS called Tat tropical illusion. As I was checking out the store, something caught my attention... there was a giant clam... I mean giant. At least 2 1/2 feet wide. Yes. That’s not a typo. At first I was... hmmmm...
  12. PhotoSniper

    Monzer's tank restart

    Long story short, my tank was in the garage after my move in early 2011. The contractor did some work in the garage when he was not supposed to. 90% of coral died due to some sort of a chemical contamination. :-(( I had made several attempts to get back into the hobby, but I just did not have...
  13. PhotoSniper

    Looking for a large tank

    It's been a while since my last tank build. Long story short, my tank was in the garage after my move. The contractor did some work in the garage when he was not supposed to. 90% of coral died due to some sort of a chemical contamination. :-(( At any rate, I tried to get back into it, but I...
  14. PhotoSniper

    ROV captures first-ever footage of oarfish in the wild

    Absolutely amazing... Makes you think what other cretures are out there that we don't even know about.
  15. PhotoSniper

    Unbelievable Wingsuit Cave Flight.

    Wow... this looks awesome, but I am not sure I've got the guts to do it.!
  16. PhotoSniper

    Where to fix a chiller

    So I have a 1/3 hp chiller that I have had for about 4 years. I think it shorted out and wanted to see if anyone knows where I can fix it. Thanks.
  17. PhotoSniper

    OT: Fish & Game wardens get their claws on man from Riverside with 47 lobsters off Heisler Park

    Great God man... 47 lobsters by two people? That's insane.
  18. PhotoSniper

    Link inside email notification not working

    I am typically not always on the Bar site... so I subscribe to certain threads that I am interested in. Lately I discovered that I cannot access any threads by clicking on the links at the bottom of the email: --- Link:^^^^#new where ^^^^ is the thread...
  19. PhotoSniper

    Calcium reactor dial in question

    what should the pH controller be set at? I am having a bit of trouble dialing in the reactor. My pH has dropped below 8.0 since the reactor has been installed. It is now at 7.8, and used to be 8.10 to 8.30.. I am looking for a baseline in away and then work my way from there. Any help would be...
  20. PhotoSniper

    Auto Top Off w/Kalk

    So I am contemplating on whether to use an auto top off switch connected to a pump that gets the fresh water from a reservoir and pumps the fresh water into the Kalk reactor VS connecting my RO to a solenoid which is connected to to the auto top off switch that pushes the RO water into the...