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  1. guc32

    Can You Plug Up a Tank?

    Im looking at a couple acrylic tanks that have holes drilled on the bottom of them. Could I get square pieces of acrylic and glue them over on top of the holes to seal the tank?
  2. guc32

    Need Help Deciding 125 or 180 gallon Tank

    I want to upgrade from my 55 gallon to either a 125 or 180 gallon tank. Never really thought about the total weight until now. From this site it says filled weight of 125 is 1400lbs and 180 is 2100lbs. Just...
  3. guc32

    First Timer

    Hello BAR, Starting up my Dads old FOWLR tank. This time Im taking a crack at it. Will be doing a Reef tank with fishes. 50 gallons with sump. Have lots to learn. Yih-Woei