Cali Kid Corals

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  1. Cmyk rgb

    Trachy/welso 1/2 bleach?

    agree. Low Par has always worked for me. Much lower than I expected
  2. Cmyk rgb

    Starting a journal

    well. Added a second system with this tub to store back up frags. And have more space
  3. Cmyk rgb

    Back at it with another random thought.

    If I do, I am thinking of making the frag tiles with little riser feet on the bottom to lift them up a bit and get them off of the bottom. That was one of the reasons I design the printed ones. Its a cool little feature
  4. Cmyk rgb

    Back at it with another random thought.

    Not a bad move, there is a ton of unknowns. Anytime I can make something opposed to buying it, I will, that is more intriguing to me. Who knows, I may end up making the crete ones eventually.
  5. Cmyk rgb

    Back at it with another random thought.

    OH interesting! I wouldn't think that plastic cuts slower than stone. I wonder if the thickness of them has something to do with that? But I do see how it could potentially cause issues with the waste water and irritation
  6. Cmyk rgb

    Back at it with another random thought.

    Very true! I use them in a frag tank. but I could see them sticking out like a sore thumb in a natural looking display.
  7. Cmyk rgb

    Back at it with another random thought.

    Everything I have seen is great! I have a hand full of frags that have fully encrusted the material with no issues. Sticks, Montis, etc. all take to it really well
  8. Cmyk rgb

    Back at it with another random thought.

    @Kensington Reefer is correct. They are made out of plastic. Not sure it’s bad? Beside the plastic issue. But for me it readily available when I need one, Repurposing recycled materials, and they look kewl lol.
  9. Cmyk rgb

    Back at it with another random thought.

    And I started printing these frag disc. And they actually work great. When I need one. I just print one. They only take about a hour or so to make
  10. Cmyk rgb

    Starting a journal

    Ha! Yes, all plumped together to 1 sump. Pg&e best friend
  11. Cmyk rgb

    Starting a journal

    Tank 3 is up and running! now to fill em all and leave them alone
  12. Cmyk rgb

    Starting a journal

    Plumbing in this AIO Fluval tank into the system. This was one of the first tank I owned and for the last few years was a quarantine tank. Now the conversions is happening to plumb this guy into the main system. Its actually a really cool tank an has a nice stand. It also had a water change...
  13. Cmyk rgb

    Starting a journal

    Happy to see the tank has fully stabilized and getting some growth after the crash. Colors are bit dull but it has full incased the printed plug
  14. Cmyk rgb

    DIY Roller

    Whoa! Very kewl. I think I might try and build a manual one this weekend to start with.
  15. Cmyk rgb

    I have some sad news to pass along.

    Condolences to his family. This is sad news. I had the pleasure of having him help me with my system about 2 months ago. Very smart, kind and patient person.
  16. Cmyk rgb

    Another random thought I had to make. Coral Viewer

    absolutely. I think the bigger mystery is how good the seal is between the petg and the glass, or if there needs to be another seal to it, like a silicone bead. Im sure I can get the glass and design it. but is it going to eventually leak is the question. Only one way to find out.
  17. Cmyk rgb

    Another random thought I had to make. Coral Viewer

    These are 1mm acrylic. but that has me thinking. glass could be really nice. I might do some research and find a way to get glass in there
  18. Cmyk rgb

    Another random thought I had to make. Coral Viewer

    I want to share another Print that I thought was cool. I made these coral viewer. Both in 6" and in 4" for smaller tanks. Feel free to share your thoughts or if anyone wants one. please ask. Not here to make money lol just funding my coral addiction Here's a link to my little store...
  19. Cmyk rgb

    Well I might of put little to much thought in this..

    Love this! I think that was my attempt. To give the plug a little more life. Making a rubble rock plug should be just as easy as the standard plug mold
  20. Cmyk rgb

    Well I might of put little to much thought in this..

    They're definitely not for everyone. I personally don't like plugs in a main display. but I could see these being useful for the frag swaps. you could use the colored stripe to indicate price. The locker to hold frags down. etc. .. mostly I was just bored and wanted to nerd out on some...