Neptune Aquatics

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  1. myi8909

    Malaysian Acros?

    I've got one still kicking but it's growing slowly at the moment
  2. myi8909

    Dinoflagellates: Who has beat them?

    I had a nasty bout with dino last spring because my nutrients bottomed out, I had a cyano outbreak and used chemiclean. Don't do that haha. First, i identified which type of dinos i had using some crappy kids microscope off amazon (you can use it and return it right after). I beat them with UV...
  3. myi8909

    Myi8909's Tank Reboot: Waterbox 4820

    Been busy with life things but tank is doing good so far. I've been battling some instability after going on vacation for 2 weeks in October but below is a latest snapshot:
  4. myi8909

    Myi8909's Tank Reboot: Waterbox 4820

    7 month update
  5. myi8909

    Show me those torches (or other Euphyllia)

    Nice pieces! Torches are definitely my favorite coral.
  6. myi8909

    Myi8909's Tank Reboot: Waterbox 4820

    Parameters: Alk: 7.5 Ca: 420 Mag: 1250 Salinity: 34 Temp: 78-79 F PO4: 0.03 NO3: 10 ppm Have both reefwaves running at 80% power on random. PAR: 450 at the top, 250 on the torches, 150 on the sandbed
  7. myi8909

    Myi8909's Tank Reboot: Waterbox 4820

    Things settled nicely. Everything survived the move, despite changing out the sand and rocks. Side shot.
  8. myi8909

    Myi8909's Tank Reboot: Waterbox 4820

    Faced a tough decision last year and almost quit the hobby. Wife and I decided to give reefing another shot. Had a Red Sea Reefer 250 in the past that was just getting overrun with fuzzy mushrooms, aiptasia, xenia and RBTA. It was a losing battle... Ultimately, we ended up going with a new...
  9. myi8909

    Baby clowns

    Reed mariculture
  10. myi8909

    What did you get from CFM?

    Got this holy grail from Cali kid
  11. myi8909

    DBTC: Walt Disney

    Only just starting to encrust but the polyps are out on full display
  12. myi8909

    Baby clowns

    I will shoot you a pm when I get back
  13. myi8909

    Baby clowns

    A little over two months now.
  14. myi8909

    DBTC: Walt Disney

    Won't let me upload a picture on the barcode for some reason but here is my frag I just picked up today: Polyps already out. Thanks @jhuynh !
  15. myi8909

    Clearview lid arrived today.

    I got one myself after I botched the Red Sea DIY one. 1.5 years running and 0 losses from fish jumping. Youll be happy with the purchase!
  16. myi8909

    Baby clowns

    I definitely got lucky. I have lots of anenomes in my DT and my pair won't go near them. They huge the bag right corner of the tank and only venture out during feedings. I place a PVC pipe there and they took to it almost immediately. Hope yours do the same too!
  17. myi8909

    Myi89's Mixed Reef Red Sea Reefer 250

    2.14.21 Full Tank Shot
  18. myi8909

    Myi89's Mixed Reef Red Sea Reefer 250

    Switched to kessils for the shimmer, which was great. Went back to AI for the hydra because the kessils weren't doing it for PAR. I liked the app for AI based on my experience with the primes. The kessil controller wasn't that great imo.