Neptune Aquatics

Search results

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    PIF: Sump

    Hi. Can I have it if it is not taken yet? Thank you for offering it.
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    PIF: mushrooms *gone*

    Hi, I would like one from the first picture if possible. Thanks for PIF!
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    PIF - Dosers, pumps, lights, and more!

    i would be interested in the FMM, ATK kit and one doser if available
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    EBMUD.. and flowmeter

    Good to know. I will check their smart meter first...Otherwise something like flume may be way to do. The Flo seems somewhat pricey and the reviews are average. Thanks!
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    EBMUD.. and flowmeter

    I went to check my meter, and i do not see the dial moving. So, that is a good sign. The numbers on the billing are odd..i will contact EBMUD just in case. Thank you!
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    EBMUD.. and flowmeter

    Unfortunately I do not know enough about their smartmeters but I see that EBMUD references smart meter on their website. So, i will take a closer look. Good point. I see from my billing cycles that the read dates were within the time period stipulated on the bill, and they look continuous. So...
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    EBMUD.. and flowmeter

    Hi all, Just got slapped with a high bill (3-4X the usual amount). Hard to say where it is coming from but I jumped from 730 GPD to 1929 GPD for the past 2 consecutive billing cycles. These are 2 months period. It could be that our irrigation controller became faulty during that time. We were...
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    Microscopes… PAUSE

    Pm sent
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    Thanks all! I will check these over the weekend. Good to know that there are several successful options online..
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    Thanks! yeah i didnt notice that banner..too many ads everywhere these days.. no i have bought from LFS numerous times..just wanted to try a different species of pods from different vendor to see if they populate.. am not having much luck with them populating in my refugium..
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    Controller boards! Post yours!

    Those pics motivate me to do one and get rid of my current mess.. Just curious, which material is the board made of? acrylic?
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    Hi all, Where do you usually buy pods from? LFS or online through algae barn, reef nutrition etc? copepods, tigger etc? Thanks!
  13. V

    Too many pods OK?

    i am having issues to get them to replicate too.. The strange thing is that last time, I had them in a fluval 13 gal, and they were everywhere. I did minimal water change since the tank was basically just a holding tank. They were like ants crawling out of nowhere. When i need them in my DT...
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    That is frustrating! did you send some pics to GHL about this? that should not happen since they are pricey items.
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    Brian's Fluval 13.5

    @Calgoby Very nice! do you dose your tank? i have one running as quarantine tank. I should set it up as a mixed reef.
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    Other hobbies

    I used to fly RC helis as well.. which one (s) do you have? to all the RC flyers, where do you buy batteries here? I still have my gear but have not powered them in over 8 years
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    Just found sand in the seal of my RSR250...

    Sorry to hear about your trouble! I was thinking of getting a redsea 250 at some point but probably not after seeing this issue and their aftermarket 'support'.. That looks like a terrible design!
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    Red Sea Wavemakers

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    Red Sea Wavemakers

    i would like one of them if possible..thanks!