Cali Kid Corals

Search results

  1. Alexander1312

    210 gallon Dream tank

    I would not use the UV sterilizer until you have to. Specifically in the beginning when you still want to establish your biome. It is good to have one ready/available when needed. And yes, I know folks run it 24/7. And there are some specific needs to run it e.g. if you have ich magnets as fish...
  2. Alexander1312

    Alk consumption gradually decreasing ..

    Well, looks like 35.2 PPT but someone else should check since I am not using specific gravity but PSU. But if I am correct, this is a good value and salinity is not your issue.
  3. Alexander1312

    Alk consumption gradually decreasing ..

    I do not think so - look at their website. I do not know any good salt that runs these high numbers. Too high CA precipitates out which is not desirable. This is from the AF website but seems like it it could be your salinity.
  4. Alexander1312

    Alk consumption gradually decreasing ..

    What do you mean your fresh saltwater matches your tank? Are you saying the CA and MG you measured in your fresh SW is 490 and 1500 respectively? Which salt are you using?
  5. Alexander1312

    Tank movers

    Sorry to hear that they make you move. This is very painful. Happy to help if no one closer is available. Just lt me know.
  6. Alexander1312

    Inkbird ITC-306a - Continuous Heating Settings

    Thanks! Yes, I would definitely be interested in the combined Rancho + Hydros setup. Perfecting the heater setup seems well-invested time to me. Regarding the BRS heaters - I have a 300 watts and a 600 watts running in both tanks as the main heater (and a 100-watt previously). The IM 150 has...
  7. Alexander1312

    Copperband Butterfly feeding when away?

    I really like this fish but it seems a bit too hard to keep happy longer term.
  8. Alexander1312

    Bulk soda ash mixed brown

    Sodium bicarb
  9. Alexander1312

    Bulk soda ash mixed brown

    Balling light from Fauna Marin.
  10. Alexander1312

    Bulk soda ash mixed brown

    To not feed the beast, and to get the best quality, I would buy it here: (I believe it is known but I do not suggest to dose soda ash, just if you are looking for a clean product without...
  11. Alexander1312

    Alk consumption gradually decreasing ..

    Maybe the GHA is taking out all the phosphate. WIth nitrate, I would be ok just showing higher than 0, with phosphate, I would not ride it too low and have a higher buffer than 0. The Hanna phosphate checker has +/- 0.02 accuracy tolerance so you could be a 0, theoretically. With higher alk...
  12. Alexander1312

    Alk consumption gradually decreasing ..

    I would be concerned with the relationship between the low PO4 and higher alk parameters and aim to increase the PO4 values. Also, the kalk will continue to decrease the PO4 values and they might be already bottomed out at this point given the potential for testers to have an accepted inaccuracy...
  13. Alexander1312

    Patrick's 81G - the last dance

    It is a piece of art—maybe it is not meant to ever be filled up—and just serves as a demonstration of how pursuing the perfectly clean setup is achievable (although the dual AVAST feeders seem to be (desperately) waiting to do their thing…).
  14. Alexander1312

    Alex’s IM 150 EXT

    Yes, I was thinking of this hydrometer since I lost trust in the Milwaukee but after I found out the reason I thought I will continue to use this for now. Btw, I tried a freshly calibrated Hanna Salinity checker for comparison and it showed actually even lower salinity parameters - so this will...
  15. Alexander1312

    Alex’s IM 150 EXT

    The first ICP after I stopped using the refugium and CO2 scrubber. First, a couple of observations are administrative. I have had a few discussions with the Route 66 coral farm which is the new ICP collection point on the West Coast (closer than CoralVue in Lousiana), and is supposed to improve...
  16. Alexander1312

    Derek's 225g - Magnifica / SPS Reef

    It would be great if the skimmer could skim out the precipitate entirely. One of the main reservations I still have about using LC is how it resolves high PO4 issues through precipitation - which is very similar to Kalkwasser (and my opinion on this is known). Yet, it is still much better than...
  17. Alexander1312

    Are you growing anything out for the next frag swap?

    Could you provide a couple of examples? I cannot imagine a member would intentionally trade corals with ‘serious’ pests - which would not come off with a dip - but folks might have a different understanding of what serious is really. The reason I am asking is that the main reason I have a...
  18. Alexander1312

    Derek's 225g - Magnifica / SPS Reef

    The link also worked for me. With your PAR levels, cranking some of them up could probably be a good idea. Specifically fluoride. The ones I would adjust is CA, V, Zn, Mo, F. Some of the values which look very good are Sulphur (which salt are you using?), PO4 and salinity (if measured...
  19. Alexander1312

    Your resident raffle winner won again (claim some gear!)

    This is the best piece of this very generous offering by @Darkxerox. Congrats for securing this.
  20. Alexander1312

    Willie’s Last Aquarium Build

    I am just amazed that you are able to build this. Remind me, what is the shed about? Is it an outdoor fish tank room?