Cali Kid Corals

Search results

  1. Raj Gill

    DBTC: Neon Green leather Toadstool

    I would like a frag of this one. This post was automatically created by BARcode
  2. Raj Gill

    DBTC: Neon green toadstool

    I am interested! I have not kept any leathers yet but my LPS tank is very happy
  3. Raj Gill

    Free blue-green discosoma

    Pm sent!
  4. Raj Gill

    Emergency- alk rising and ph dropping to dangerous level - complete tank crash

    I have a rather thick metal razor blade with a nice long handle that I actually use to scrape 3d prints off my bed and some coral snips you can borrow if that would help. And I myself am free and willing to help anytime except Saturday. Let me know when.
  5. Raj Gill

    Emergency- alk rising and ph dropping to dangerous level - complete tank crash

    I have heard magnesium being too low can cause this, nothing but anecdotally though.
  6. Raj Gill

    RODI unit

    I would be interested in picking this up
  7. Raj Gill

    Featured 7/19 Behind the Scenes Steinhart Aquarium Tour!

    I went there for the first time about a month ago, and I couldn't spend enough time there. Started reefing end of January this year and loving it. I voted yes if there's still room