High Tide Aquatics

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  1. yardartist

    LFS looking for kenya tree frags

    I just stopped by Albany Aquarium and Hector is looking for kenya tree frags. If anyone has some to sell please connect with him. Hello again BAR! Long time no fraggin'. Still miss the hex tank. Richard Yardartist
  2. yardartist

    article on ocean acidification along the CA coast

  3. yardartist


    I am not pregnant either.
  4. yardartist

    Steinhart Aquarium Tour

    Worth its weight in gold Priceless!
  5. yardartist

    Steinhart Aquarium Tour

    The frag tank is looking great. Are there fish cleaning up the algae or is that all hand work?
  6. yardartist

    bondolo's defunct tanks

    I remember what some of those frags looked like when they were cut. Nice to see them still growing. Fish was always the tricky part for me because each one seemed to have a coral interaction I did not like until I got the assesors, and the green banded gobies. I know there are others out...
  7. yardartist


    I thought you were taking tank parts to work to clean. Got it. You are taking water to work to clean work parts. Still makes me wonder what DI water would do to coraline encrusted pumps? Could the motor take the shake?
  8. yardartist


    Post photos, cut the small talk.
  9. yardartist


    What did you clean with the ultrasonic? Is it in water or are there other chemicals in the bath?
  10. yardartist

    Amphiprion ocellaris Breeding Journal

    That little tank has been longing for this oportunity. David, congratulatiuons, and I hope they continue to grow out, with many more batches to follow. Thank for posting the photos. I let Jim, gimitto, know to keep posting videos for those of us tankless members. I hope you get a chance to...
  11. yardartist

    Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

    Who needs an aquarium at the rate you post videos.
  12. yardartist

    Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

    It is nice to see them in such a large space to not be in perfect pecking order all the time. They seem to live in Jims tank. In mine they exsisted. Great captive bred fish.
  13. yardartist

    Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

    So difficult to say "just the...', Sorry man.
  14. yardartist

    yaradartist's 36g

    Mike, there was no sadness for me seeing animals go to a good home. There you were scouring the last couple inches of water for any life. What a great place for them to be going! Thanks for helping me out by stopping by when I had a moment to work on it. Very much appreciated. Letting it...
  15. yardartist

    yaradartist's 36g

    Dave chickens are not an A-personality hobby like coral, travel and cars, so I get the well rounded reference.
  16. yardartist

    yaradartist's 36g

    John, You married smart. Whole paychecks is about half the price of what it takes to raise eggs. 5 Years down the road once sunk costs of wire are cosumed, then with feed I might get down to three dollors a dozen in costs. Could someone please introduce me to a cheap hobby?
  17. yardartist

    yaradartist's 36g

    Jim, Beaucoop is always here for visitors. Tiny Berkeley lot so not much to see. For sure I will send a casual invitation along with the next tour. Until then anyone can drop me a line and stop by when they are in the area.
  18. yardartist

    yaradartist's 36g

    There are nine hens and one rooster. They are four months old, eggs in a month or so. The crowing could start anytime. We brought in thirty straight run pullets, but there were five roosters in the lot. We selected down to the most docile and inquisitive hens. Funny how they each have different...
  19. yardartist

    yaradartist's 36g

    John, good to hear a check up on your tank and lighting. Looking forward to another drop in so I can see it in person. Have you ever considered what moving the LED would do to the overpower they seem to have? I like your drop in style tank tour so much I want to try that on other tanks. This...
  20. yardartist

    yaradartist's 36g

    What break Jim? Its a shift of priorities. The chickens and vegetable garden are using the several hours a week the tank occupied. I just never could figure out how to eat anything from the tank. Thanks for the well wishes Jim and all the help gradually breaking down my tank.