High Tide Aquatics

Search results

  1. sid700

    Cuttle fish at Monterey Aquarium

    They are raising cuttles over there...I didn't even know. http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/10/so-you-know-this-is-how-to-incubate-baby-cephalopods-in-a-soda-bottle/280870/
  2. sid700

    Rich is in SFGate

    here you go... http://www.sfgate.com/science/article/Rare-octopus-breeding-in-Alameda-bedroom-4299276.php
  3. sid700

    eBay scam?

    I just bought an external hard drive from ebay and I'm starting to think it's a scam. What do you think? Link for the hard drive is below. I tried Googling ebay scams and I did not see a scam regarding this method. It's in China, but feeedback is good and I paid with PayPal. I've bought...
  4. sid700

    Roughneck 32-G trash cans $10 at HD

    It's onsale at HomeDepot online - http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053&productId=100656030&AID=10505125&PID=404255&SID=221990&cm_mmc=CJ-_-404255-_-10505125&cj=true pickup at your local HD or shipped to your house for $7.
  5. sid700

    Cost of running a stop sign in Oakland

    So I just got a ticket for running a stop sign in Oakland. Officer says I'll get something in the mail, Anyone know how much it cost? I want to know because it will cut into my reef-related purchases this week. It's my first ticket - well, not counting parking tickets.
  6. sid700

    Flesh eating bacteria in fishtanks

  7. sid700

    Fish supplies from Newegg

    I was surfing the Newegg website when I came upon a sump. Yeah, it's really from Global Pets, but I just found it odd to see fish stuff at Newegg. Seems Newegg is going to be like Amazon and Buy.
  8. sid700

    LF iBook G4 12" 1.2 ghz

    My ibook conked out. Anyone want to sell theirs? I'm looking for the 12" ones. If you have one for parts, that's even better.
  9. sid700

    Running pvc through drywall and making it look pretty

    I plan on running pvc piping through the living room drywall and I am wondering how I can make it look nice. Is there a a type of grommet that's available? I thought of just caulking it, but I don't think that gonna pass muster with the boss. How did you finish your pvc through the wall...
  10. sid700

    How much for a transmission?

    I know there are some auto enthusiasts here so here goes... I need some transmission work and I have no idea of the cost to replace. Anyone have an idea of the range of $ to replace a manual transmission for a 1999 Ford F150, 6 cyl? I bought this truck new and now has 107k miles and the...
  11. sid700

    Water changes - how large and how often?

    I'm just wondering how others do it. I'm changing about 12% of total system volume per week.
  12. sid700

    LF Nerf guns

    If you have one or two laying around and would like to rid of it, pm me price and description and/or pic. I'm building an army.
  13. sid700

    Ms. Manners Advice - Rebates and Gifts

    Is it considered bad form if I give a gift that has the UPC code cut out? I need it for the rebate. I for one won't mind. I'm still getting a nice gift. If it were not for the rebate, I'd probably get a less desirable gift. Thoughts?
  14. sid700

    WTB Pentium 4 HT cpu at least 3 ghz

    I'm looking for a Pentium 4 HT cpu that is at least 3 ghz. I'm upgrading my Dell GX280. lmk.
  15. sid700

    Is Reef Central down for you too?

    Just wondering if it's RC or Comcast.
  16. sid700

    Need cheato or live rock rubble or live sand

    Can anyone with a pest-free tank spare some cheato? Or a couple of small liverock rubble? Or a cup of live sand would do. I would like to seed some sponge filters. My system currently has ich, so I would like a different system to seed my filters. I live in El Sobrante, work in...
  17. sid700

    Aaargh! MY puirple tang in the display have ich.

    Sigh. I know what to do. I am just venting. Is this hypo treatment still current - http://atj.net.au/marineaquaria/hyposalinity.html? If there are other newer, easier (but effective) hypo practices, please let me know. Also, if you have any tips, advice or lessons learned from...
  18. sid700

    PAR38 Lighting

    I'm thinking of getting a Par 38 lighting. Nanotuners carries one with 5 leds and uses 21w. SunBrite also sells them with 9, 12 & 15 LEDs with wattage 11w, 13w and 16w, respectively. Would more wattage mean more PAR, given if it's the same color temp? Which would be brighter to the eye? tia
  19. sid700

    Sharktopus - Sept 25 , Tivo it!

    Syfy will be showing Sharktopus. See preview here.
  20. sid700

    Cable modems and Comcast

    Hello. I just bought a refurbished Linksys cable modem. I was thinking of replacing the Motorola that Comcast installed and save myself $5/mo. But then, I wondered if I can have 2 modems for the same account. I keep the Motorola in the office and I figure I'll hook up the Linksys in my...