Neptune Aquatics

20 gallon long AIO nano reef

Got a better picture of the nems after feeding the tank somr mysis


Now i just got to sit back and wait for one of them to start hosting my clownfish
Walked by the tank this morning and thought my rbta's mouth was gaping open, but after closer look it turns out it was the rock beneath the anemone showing through.

I always thought btas split by two opposite points pinching together till the anemone splits.

Mine has a clear hole straight through to the rock and i cant quite make out where the mouth is.

Best pic i could get.


Has anyone else seen this?
Yeah, it looks like it's about to split. It doesn't need to look pinched in order for it to split. When it naturally splits, IME, it splits from the mouth outward.
Long over due update. The rose nem split into 3 smaller nems. The green speckled nem is all but gone. Slowly withered away. Just over a year of running the 20 long I had to downsize the tank due to moving and expecting another kid.

I moved everything to an old acrylic display case that holds about 5 gallons of water. I swapped out the blue damsel for another Picasso clownfish. During the move I lost the birds nest frag and monti frag. Everything else made it.

Picasso clown
Tank raised false perc
Cleaner shrimp
Hermit crab

hammer coral
Pink and gold zoa
Sunny d zoa
Blue zoa
Bam bam zoa
Pink/Orange ricordea
Red mushrooms
3 small rbta
Neon green toadstool

Aprox 6 gallon tank
50 watt heater
Hob filter with filter floss and chaeto
Koralia nano
120 watt led
my anemone has finally started hosting my clownfish. i recently added a picasso clownfish to the tank to join my tank raised ocellaris clownfish. the ocellaris was the male in the last pair, but the female passed away.

when i added the picasso, that fish was already larger and was acting dominant from the moment it was added. ocellaris was already doing the submissive behaviors. the picasso finally found one of my RBTA and would host it at night. he would also chase the smaller clownfish away or out of the rbta.

one night, the smaller clownfish snuck his way in and it looked like they began to fight. since then, the larger picasso seems to be more submissive and sleeps in the corner near the heater. the smaller clownfish now chases the picasso around the tank at night. during the day they seem to get along just fine.

here's a video i snapped today.

Traded my jebao wp-25 for a wp-10. While its not perfect, it totally blows away anything else in it's price range... hands down.

Here's a quick video of it in my 6 gallon (finally did the math to figure out how many gallons) nano.

Came home to find a bunch of these crawling around. I hope these are baby snails and not some type of tank crashing pest. I only have two small cerith snails in the tank currently, but these look rounder and not pointy like my small cerith snails.

2014-09-26 09.26.46.jpg