got ethical husbandry?

20g IM Nuvo


Supporting Member
The clowns finally have a new home. I was getting too sad feeling like they didn't have enough room to swim around in their 10g, and I happened to find a great turnkey 20g. I get weird repetitive uncomfortable dreams, close to nightmare but stressful rather than scary. I was starting to dream that the two clowns were swimming outside of their tank and nipping me. No more bad dreams, just happy fish.

I'm pretty sure these are Perculas based on fins, eyes, and black density, though the previous owner purchased them as Clarkiis. It really never occurred to me to check this, because I wasn't stocking anything new with them. If not Perculas, emo Oscellaris.






Livestock: Clownfish pair, 1 Turbo snail, 5 Nassarius snails, 4 Scarlet Hermits, 5-10 Blue Leg Hermits as of 06/2024. Definitely need more of a CUC.

Tank and Stand: Innovative Marine Nuvo 20g (approx. 3 years old as of purchasing, set up June 19 2024)
Medium Brown discontinued Bestå Ikea stand (1999). Fits length of tank, a few mm of extra width for front/back of the tank.



Lighting: AI Prime HD 16 (approx 3 years old as of 2024), Kessil 150W Tuna Sun (2 years old as of 06/2024)

Skimmer: Eshopps Nano Skimmer 10-35g w/Sicce Needle Wheel Pump and Magnetic Mount

Heater: Hitauing 100w I have a Finnex to replace it with ASAP
Heater is hooked into an Inkbird ITC-308-WIFI

Return pump: MightyJet Midsize AIO DC Return Pump (538 GPH) (8501)

Powerhead: Hygger Mini Wavemaker DC (1600gph)

ATO: AutoAqua Smart ATO Micro (1 year old as of 06/2024)
Blue 5 gallon reservoir for DI water

Dosing pump: Red Sea ReefDose 2 Head (Purchased 2024, not set up yet but in the works) w/two clear reservoirs for whatever I wanna add later


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I plan on increasing flow, fixing the lighting, setting up the doser, cable management, and organizing the inside of the cabinet. Oh, and always more slaps to decorate. Still debating on what else to stock the tank with. No more coral for now, but maybe a Goby?
I need to replace the Kessil with another AI Prime, I have the older version on my 10g but it seems to have lost a lot of its punch.
I also have an Mp10 that has everything to run except the power supply, imagine that.
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Not sure if maybe designer clown names changed, but they definitely look like Percula or Ocellaris clowns to me? Would recommend some trochus snails and a tuxedo urchin for algae control too with all the extra surfaces now.
Not sure if maybe designer clown names changed, but they definitely look like Percula or Ocellaris clowns to me? Would recommend some trochus snails and a tuxedo urchin for algae control too with all the extra surfaces now.
They were purchased as Clarkiis from the LFS the previous owner went to. I'll be honest, you're probably right now that I do some digging - I'm thinking Percula that was mislabeled somehow. Thank you for pointing this out to me!
Ocellaris to me. How do you like the IM 20? Planning to pick one up for myself to use as a breeder system
Man. I guess I can say I have Clownfish lol.

I  love my IM 20. Almost too much. My partner is trying to convince me to not go buy a second and third one to replace my IM 10g and Biocube 32g.. there's a used tank and return pump only for 200 in my area, which I would say is more than worth it.
I prefer this shape/form factor over cube. The dual intake and return and extra space in the rear chambers are awesome. I'm a small guy, so I can stick my entire fore/arm into each chamber and that's a selling point for sure.
I've got a nice refugium going in one of the chambers, the skimmer in the other. The only downside to this is the tank has a black backing, so that limits your light options.
I also like the option to slot a UV sterilizer directly into one of the media caddy spaces as well.
Dropped by a store I used to work at and found another gorgeous lobo I couldn't resist. I said I wouldn't but I did. No regrets here. Aqualife Aquarium in Rocklin has stunningly healthy coral, as in not a single coral with any sign of unhealthy tissue, any sort of recession, and nothing fell out after dipping twice, which surprised me. I did see a few aptasia, but none were bigger than a pinky finger and I saw an employee manually removing them during my time in the store. I did a round of DipX then a round of MediCoral, repeated once. I highly recommend visiting.
They've also got a really nice selection of high quality dry goods, and 4 freezers stocked full of food. When I worked there I was a wee intern at first and it was a different location, much smaller. They've grown so much and there's employees there that I recognize from my days there!
This coral has 5 mouths and is actively growing more "heads". They had colonies triple the size for less than twice the price, I just couldn't pass up this color.
I also bought a black sea cucumber. He's lounging around happily, but won't photograph well. Since the UV and Violets are out on the light on this half of the tank, the colors have been a bit different than what they should be. There's some blues and oranges developing nicely now.
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Unknown Favia mini colony is developing nice neon greens and yellow/golden mouths.

The clownfish are finally hosting something that's not their awful corner zoas. Thank goodness. They both enjoy sleeping in the zoa cracks and their goddess lady's bosom.

