
4 xl discus

Discus do much better at temperatures 86 and above. Many discus aficionados keep theirs at 92-94 degrees. Below 86 and their metabolisms slow down and they are more susceptible to disease. I've kept mine at 92+ for years, but had too much trouble finding other appropriate tankmates at that temp. They are now currently at 86'.
I'll go bump it up a degree, but all my internet searching is saying 82 - 88 tops. Not doubting your experience, just not finding the sources.
I'll go bump it up a degree, but all my internet searching is saying 82 - 88 tops. Not doubting your experience, just not finding the sources.
Not my expertise or experience as much as advice I received from Kenny (Kenny's Discus) who I bought all my discus from. He's been importing and breeding them for 30-40 years, and I just followed his advice. As noted I have dropped mine to 86 simply because the discus are very active at that temperature, but I can still keep a broader clean up crew without worrying as much where they were imported from. If you just stick to amazonian clean-up species you can go higher, but it's harder to find snails, Cory's, etc as readily from those waters.

I will say that Kenny advised 88ish for normal operation, but 92-94 if treating for disease or getting new ones to eat.