Cali Kid Corals

50g lowboy frag tank Zoomed

Sad news, the glass between the two overflow holes cracked while I was reinstalling the bulkheads. Feeling like a dummy...

While not something I'd do in a show tank in a living room, I would consider silicone'ing a piece of supportive acrylic to the inside and using it still if it's a garage frag tank. Really lather on the silicone to the back of a large, but thin, piece, trying to get some on the crack too. Let it dry, see if it holds water, maybe put a big bead of silicone on the outside too. Alternatively do the same but with epoxy.

Might be an awful idea, but lowboys are so shallow there's not really that much water pressure on it. Would also depend on the crack.
I noticed a lot of salt creep on my garage frag tanks overflow the entire time I had that system running. When I broke down that system I saw the glass was cracked perfectly between the two bulk heads. I had no idea it was cracked but that explains all the salt
For the tank only they are less than $200.

I would get another just for peice of mind.
Also try asking here and the local fb groups a few people were selling some recently.

I think @MarcosDelgado0 sold his already if i'm not mistaken.
Thanks for the tips, I will check out Neptune's. Even in the garage, I wouldn't sleep well with the nagging doubt of "will it hold...?" :p
I saw one at Neptunes not too long ago. I think it was arohnd $240. I bought my first one from AquaLab Aquaria for around the same price because they’re the only ones who had it in stock. If you’re ever up in Sac area, Aquarium Depot sells them for around $115