Cali Kid Corals

6 line ich and more

John just because their is only one breed of dogs if you keep one isolated and inbreed them they eventually die off due to Gene pool being too close. If you introduce a new dog of same species the gene pool is no longer isolated correct? That's what I meant by different strains. It's been noted by studies that if you don't introduce new ich in the system the existing ich will die out over a few years.

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I don’t think you can compare the two organisms in that way. Here’s a quote from Bruce’s link.

NO, Ich does NOThave a shelf life
The word around town is that Ich will “burn” itself out in under a year if left alone to live communally with the fish. One word that keeps popping up again and again, is inbreeding. Inbreeding is defined as “to breed individuals of a closely related group repeatedly.” This is not the way Ich reproduces. Ich parasites do not breed with other Ich parasites. All they need is a comfy place to create a cyst in which to clone a bunch of little daughter cells. In one study, the researchers were unable to keep the parasite alive for anything over 10-11 months or 34 cycles and it was attributed to senescence (Dan, 2009). Rather than dubbing the organism self-limiting based on one study, additional data should have been considered, as when the test was repeated, the parasite was kept alive for over two years. In another study, they had used a sample collected in 1994 from a culture started and maintained since 1989. That’s five years! Our own experiences match this data as we had Ich show up in our 100g tank in December of 2011, and make a reappearance some 1 year and 7 months later. Nothing was added to this tank. Trust us, when starting a business and then throwing in back surgery, they were lucky they got fed. If you hear the “self-limiting” argument in a discussion, simply list the following reference and quote and tell them science says they are wrong.
The concept still the same you introduce new ich cells that has not went through multi generation dichotomy this lengthen the time for ich to die out.

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I think he is arguing it isn't going to "die out"? Maybe I misunderstand.
Anyone believe uv light will help? I do. Not fix, but help. If powerful enough and water flow is paced correctly...
I think he is arguing it isn't going to "die out"? Maybe I misunderstand.
Anyone believe uv light will help? I do. Not fix, but help. If powerful enough and water flow is paced correctly...
I believe uv helps I run a 57watt on my system and ich hasn't really shown itself i my system enemy though I know it's in there. Only seen a few spots.

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