Cali Kid Corals

65 gallon tank

Nice cat :). Amazing what skills reefers have to possess, being a plumber is just one example. Great that you took on to learn to do this. I would not have the patience or trust in my abilities to do this properly.

Thanks, thats my Boy we also have 4 female csts.

I definitely don't lmao, I have enough sense not to actually glue anything together without the experts ok. I figure worse case i may need to order more pipe if I blow it. The more expensive stuff was the unions, adapters and the gate valve.heck If I guess right I should have over 1/3 of what I need to cover my screw ups lol. Yet I'm trying to learn so I should have a fun weekend ahead if I get the time to play with things.
next time if you want buy plumbing under budget, get pvc from HDX and just buy one expensive gate valve. you could save half the cost. ( that's if you dont care about the looks... some people hates white PVC )
next time if you want buy plumbing under budget, get pvc from HDX and just buy one expensive gate valve. you could save half the cost. ( that's if you dont care about the looks... some people hates white PVC )
I wanted the colored pvc, otherwise home depot is less than a mile from me.

I had to talk myself out of green, yellow and purple.
So breif update here.

I also included pictures of a dosing pump I was able to buy from someone on Facebook. (No idea what to do with it next, but I figured it will be better than the hand dosing afr I’ve been doing so far in the 32 cube)

Another picture is of a bubble magus curve 5, I was gifted by a generous club member.

I was also able to purchase a mp 40 from another member for this tank. Will possibly be looking for a second mp40 in the future if it appears needed once the tank is running.

I called myself attempting to figure out the drain and emergency drain line plumbing with pvc. Pictures included

I didn't actually glue anything together- only dry fit it.

The actual return side is still above my head. I wouldn't wanna waste pipes trying to play with it not having more of a precise idea of what the end configuration is suppose to look like.

As far as the drains, I was able to put two unions into place, however On the main drain line I wasn't able to put that union vertical like the emergency drain union.
This was largely due to a major lack of space to be able to turn the union vertical and still have enough room for the elbows to connect into the sump section.

I of course won't glue anything until the expert gives his approval. @Srt4eric This was my attempt to do something beyond sit on my hands and pass infront of the tank on my way to and from work.

Over all plans for this tank is to be sps dominated.

I look forward to any feedback/imput.
Is what I attempt to do sufficent?
Does it have any potential issues?
Is there any changes I should implement?


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So here is the latest update.
Plumbing is done as of yesterday. I hard plumbed and glued the pvc for the drain/emergency drain.

I used a nylon braided hose and plastic hose clamps from the return pump to a black plastic over the top return nozel purchased up from Amazon.

I put the skimmer into the sump along with the posban reactor to get a feel for placement. I haven't tested either as of yet. I will give the pipes probably until tomorrow to cure should make it roughly 48 hrs. Than I plan to do a follow up water leak test for a few days to check out the Plumbing and tank.

If all goes well, I will start planning out the aqua scape. I added a nice stack of the rectangular bio media bricks to the back of my bio cube 3 weeks ago. To transfer to this tank to speed up the cycle once i'm to that point.

Used equipment I have for this tank so far:

I haven't tested anything yet. I haven't used anything similar to any of the Equipment below except the lights and the mp40. So I anticipate a lot of research and learning ahead.

1 mp40
A 4 head doser
2 nicrew 150 watt lights (New)
Curve 5 skimmer
2 little fishes Phosban reactor
A diy 5 gallon ato reservoir (I have to assemble I have the acrylic glue for it just haven't got the nerve to try putting it together yet)

Pictures of plumbing are included.


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So next step is underway. Playing with rock structures. The one with the zip ties will be straighten up and reworked slightly.

So far I haven't glued/cemented any of them together yet. I'm thinking that with 3 tree like structures they should be easier to remove later if need arises

I hope to have space on the bottom of the tank them if I ever able to acquire some Scolymia or acanthophyllia corals (dream list)

Feed back is Encouraged?

I agree several smaller structures is better than one large one. Looks pretty good. What kind of rocks are those?
I'm honestly not sure, its not craibsea ones, or marco. They came with acrylic rods. They were gifted to me.

They are beige with very slight purple hue if that helps. They honestly don't seem very pourose like other rock I have. (I will have smaller islands made other types of rock in the display, and bio bricks in the sump these are mainly for Aesthetics/ mounting the sps.)
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Need some hiding spots or your fish will fight and stress

Thanks I overlooked that potential issue, I was planing to have a few islands, but I should be able to easily adjust to make a cave in a corner, and prehaps some lean-tos on the bases of the three structures instead.