Cali Kid Corals

A broken bulb

Sorry to hear that, Roy. I remember the same thing happened to Tom (Northbay-reefer) a year ago where he lost almost all his corals on one side of of his tank when his MH bulb shield broke.
If I do have it still, I have to go to Oakland @ some point this week. It would be after 7pm. Prior I might be in San Jose as well so there are some options. I have to search through a bunch of boxes (need another part as well so I had to do this anyways) and in all honesty I could have given it to a friend. I bought 2 of them 2 years ago and shelved them thinking I'd use them on my new tank. I've helped a few reef friends out since then and I am not sure what parts/equipment I gave them :( I got them at cost so if I have them I'll just pass that price onto you. No shipping since I put them in my luggage :)
GreshamH said:
If I do have it still, I have to go to Oakland @ some point this week. It would be after 7pm. Prior I might be in San Jose as well so there are some options. I have to search through a bunch of boxes (need another part as well so I had to do this anyways) and in all honesty I could have given it to a friend. I bought 2 of them 2 years ago and shelved them thinking I'd use them on my new tank. I've helped a few reef friends out since then and I am not sure what parts/equipment I gave them :( I got them at cost so if I have them I'll just pass that price onto you. No shipping since I put them in my luggage :)

OK, just let me know when you find it and we'll work out the detail. Thanks.