High Tide Aquatics

A new DBTC system

I built it today and I have temporarily deployed it (this means that it won't restart if it crashes and may become unavailable). (BETA)

You can check it out at: https://bareefers.org/barcode/equipment

It is populated with today's data from the thread but there is no harm in playing with it.

This is how it works:
  • It first shows you the PAR meter as an equipment card with a "Check it out" button.
    • It already supports multiple items, so we can add all of the other things we let folks borrow
  • Click that button and that takes you to the item's queue
  • The queue shows you an action that you can take
    • If you have the PAR meter, the only action you can take is to pass it on to someone else
    • If you are on the list, you can drop out of the list
    • if you are not on the list, you can add yourself to it
    • That's it
  • After the action is a list of the users that have the meter
    • The avatar and location are taken from the forum itself, so if that is wrong or missing, you can fix it there
    • Below each user is a label that shows how long they've had it
  • Followed by this is the list of users waiting for it
    • The label shows how long they've been waiting
      • This is incorrect now because I added all of those users today
The system won't let you in unless you are signed into the forum, so if you see an error or a "download" on phones, go to the forum and sign in. Later on, it will make that easier for you.

It also won't let you in if you're not a supporting member or BOD...but it doesn't know when you became a supporting member, so it can't yet respect the 60 day waiting period.

I'm super excited to hear your experience with it.
The server crashed sometime last nigh but I set it up to restart automatically now and use a cluster of two processes, so it should be available again.

@BleepBloopMunchMunch let me know when you want to troubleshoot your issue. I will need to watch the server logs while you try to access it, so we'll have to coordinate.
The server crashed sometime last nigh but I set it up to restart automatically now and use a cluster of two processes, so it should be available again.

@BleepBloopMunchMunch let me know when you want to troubleshoot your issue. I will need to watch the server logs while you try to access it, so we'll have to coordinate.

And the debugging begins!

Thanks for all the work so far @svreef !!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just pushed an update. The equipment queue tries to figure out how long it will take for you to get the item (not very precise, but better than nothing).
@BleepBloopMunchMunch I just pushed an update that should be able to log users in more easily - maybe that will make your issue go away. Would you mind trying it again?
It did not work for me this time from my phone or desktop, interestingly on my laptop at my girlfriends I was able to access it. It says mention code "AUF", PM if you want to and we can coordinate when you want me to log in while you see the logs
This looks so much more organized. One thing to be thinking about would be how to manage geography. It looks like there are 3 meters and when your turn pops up it’s just the luck of the draw as to where it will need to be picked up or dropped off at. Maybe there could be an option to let the next person in line go ahead of you until one becomes available that is closer. I’m assuming that your current “pass” function is when you have used the meter and it is going to the next person.
This looks so much more organized. One thing to be thinking about would be how to manage geography. It looks like there are 3 meters and when your turn pops up it’s just the luck of the draw as to where it will need to be picked up or dropped off at. Maybe there could be an option to let the next person in line go ahead of you until one becomes available that is closer. I’m assuming that your current “pass” function is when you have used the meter and it is going to the next person.

Yes, the current pass function lets you say who it was passed to and it can be anyone in line. The system leaves it up to us to work out the details.
just got 6 different pm's regarding coordinating pickup. Think only one should be necessary

There was a bug, so some duplicates were sent. Please bear with me while I work out the kinks.

But...in this case you will get 3 since there are 3 people that have had it for 5 days. So, for each one, we send a PM that includes the user that has it and the next 3 in line. (There was a bug and the user who has it was not included duh!)

I can't think of a better way to handle it.

The good news is that it is working!
You're going to get 3 more soon :(
There was a bug, so some duplicates were sent. Please bear with me while I work out the kinks.

But...in this case you will get 3 since there are 3 people that have had it for 5 days. So, for each one, we send a PM that includes the user that has it and the next 3 in line. (There was a bug and the user who has it was not included duh!)

I can't think of a better way to handle it.

The good news is that it is working!
You're going to get 3 more soon :(
I see. I could see 3 pm's sent around the same time all with the same title getting confusing though