
A photo of my tank made the cover of Reef Hobbyist magazine!

Congrats, Felicia!! (Not sure how you got your PhD, maintain gorgeous tank, and take care of kitty all at once! Thanks for sharing!!)
Congrats, Felicia!! (Not sure how you got your PhD, maintain gorgeous tank, and take care of kitty all at once! Thanks for sharing!!)
Thank you, Geneva! Dealing with finishing my PhD is why I reduced down to one tank and redesigned everything to make maintenance so much easier. This tank can hold up to some neglect much better than my previous system. When I was busy finishing my dissertation, I was able to just do the bare minimum on the tank and not worry about it. There's a lot to be said for putting the time in at the beginning to plan out how maintenance will work and try to make the system as simple to deal with as possible :) Also, while Lily is a giant diva, she's not too much work to care for. She's pretty spoiled, but mostly she just sleeps all day, haha!
I finally got my print copies of Reef Hobbyist in the mail today! Figured I'd take a photo with my magazine cover next to the tank

IMG_5596 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr

Unfortunately the reef lighting isn't the best for taking photos of people
Here's another one of me with the cover in better lighting.
IMG_5601 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr