Cali Kid Corals

Advice, 180.5 stock list

Hello Everyone,
I am looking forward to my family's 180.5 build. My son and wife are excited about the potential for which fish would do well in this tank. I have a list of potential candidates for this tank and wanted to get some advice. Granted, not all of these fish will make the final cut since there will not be room for so many. I am not concerned about fish that may eat snails or crabs. I plan on adding several types of snail, no hermit crabs for now. Let me know any thoughts you might have. I already bummed out my wife when I told her a porcupine trigger would still not be a good idea. I am looking for a mix of colors and maybe something that might shoal or school (not chromis).

EDIT: I am looking for fish that are relatively easy (pellets, frozen foods, etc). Don't want to deal with picky eaters, too specific of a diet, or live food eaters that would need to be trained onto frozen food.

Current fish: one spot fox face, bicolor blenny, swallowtail angel, and possum wrasse.

Potential candidates:
Watanabe angelfish
Additional swallowtail angelfish
Lineatus wrasses
Rosy scale wrasse
Humu humu trigger?
Royal Gramma
Purple Tang
Blue Tang
Gem tang
Long nose hawk
Some sort of bottom sand dwellers (goby of some sort): I would appreciate advice in this category. The tank is 5ft long and 2ft wide so I think there is plenty of bottom space from some sand dwellers.
Midas blenny or canary blenny
Swiss guard basselette
Blue assessor (no experience, how aggressive are these guys?)
Any advice on additional fish

Tangs try to drop them alll in same time for ease. They’ll all figure it out and hopefully no fights. Not to say you can’t get as you go. Just will need to use acclimation boxes and mirrors to avoid stress , which usually flares ich and what not. Same with wrasses. Rosescale and lineatus both got attitudes. Genecanthius angels are always nice. Try to get a trio so when one turns male. His aggression is spread among two females. Long nose hawks are nice. I had a pair. They perch on everything so it could irritate corals. They’ll also eat your clean up crew and shrimps. Midas they’re easy as well as filefish. I’d add all the smaller fish first. Followed by angels, wrasses then tangs last. It’s gonna be a new tank so spread out adding the groups of fish over a few months to ensure your bioload can handle everything.