For those of you who temp acclimate without water acclimation, are you floating them in your tank or something? I’m paranoid that some water would leak out and defeat the whole purpose of the dipping. Plus it’s chaotic to have several containers floating.
I do everything on a counter next to a sink, nothing floating in my tank.
For me the water acclimation is also the temp acclimation, by adding as much of my tank water as there is frag water (doubling) every 5-10 min or so, maybe 4 times. Then dip using tank water. It doesn’t take much more effort to do each container separately than all together even with several frags, maybe 1 min per round total. But if it makes no difference, I’ll combine them after the first 1 or 2 rounds since they will all be pretty close then anyway.
Rostato- I’m more worried about other chemistry parameters like alk shocking rather than salinity.