Cali Kid Corals

Anemone Identification

Well as you see it isn't the best picture, but there are white dots on the tips of the tentacles. Could it possibly be a sebae anemone?
@ the Waikiki Aquarium? If so PM Thales with that pic and ask him to ask Charles if he knows.
Euphyllia said:
I took this photo a few years ago at the aquarium in Honolulu Hawaii before I got into the saltwater hobby. I really like the anemones in the picture and it has been bugging me forever. Can anybody identify this? Is it an easy species to keep?

So, it's not a BTA as I originally thought. In fact, it is a tank bred Stichodactyla gigantea :)
not only that but they are one of the anem's our trade put a major pressure on and shouldn't be collected really. Most people kill them and don't even know they could be 2x - 4x their own age.