got ethical husbandry?

Anh's 125g Peninsula Tank


I totally understand I actually have not heard of that algae so I googled it and found that video and Vivid has some descent
I had quite a bit of bryopsis till I added a one spot Foxface and a Kole Tang. In no time at all it was all gone!

I much prefer a biological solution if at all possible. I really don't like the magic bottles of 'stuff' with no ingredients listed! :(
I totally agree with you John. I have a magnificent in my qt tank waiting to be unleashed on the algae but i think i may having the worst of luck this time around. I looked earlier this morning and started to see a little cyano for the first time in this tank disturbing my aussie golden torch so i immediately went in there and blew the little inch patch off. Didn't really see it anywhere else though. But while i was searching i noticed alot of bubbles coming from the rocks and noticed some slimy algae on the frag plugs on the the frag rack. I think i may be hit with the trifecta this time with bryopsis, cyano and dino...... i thought i got away from dino when i started my new tank but i guess it hitch along for a ride.....very disheartening to say the least.
Applying the magnesium supplement directly to the bryopsis will also help eliminate it. That keeps you from having to dose the entire tank with the insane amounts of magnesium that are required with the whole tank treatment approach. Your tank probably needs some magnesium anyway, might as well apply it to your bryopsis.
Thank everyone for all your help and encouragement! will start raising magnesium but i guess im lucky that the bryopsis or the dino doesnt really look to be out of control and probably just another algae cycle the tank is going through. I'll start really worrying when it sticks around for over a month or two. I love my sea hare by the way. It went to town on the GHA and now putting in work on the bryopsis and dino. I was going to return him to the store or give him to another fellow Bar member if they needed help with my tank. I dont think he signed up for overtime when he was placed in my tank but im for sure loving it. So he might be a permanent member of my tank. I even named him Shrek.
Yea i had a turbo snail died but most of the other ones are still trucking along. I think its because its not a full on bloom...yet. I know how nasty dinos can get =( I expect to beat them this time since i didnt really try that hard last time on my old tank. I hope you're doing well on your battle nav!
Thanks to Nav's advice, I went out and brought some light filters to take pictures of my corals with my iphone 6. Hopefully you like the outcome.

Bam Bam


Need Help IDing

Bleached Superman Monti?

ATL Shades of Fall

Tricolor (Purchased from fingerwrinkles)

Sean Bennett Yellow Tort

Need Help IDing (freebie from fingerwrinkles)

Pink Table Mille

Orange Digitata

ORA Birds of Paradise

Green Devil's Finger

Green Montipora

Purple Tip Hammer

Gold Mille?

Aussie Gold Torch

Need Help IDing

Pink Goniopora

Yellow Solomon Island Acro

Mr. Uglies Red Prostrata

Need Help IDing

Green Tip Hammer

Orange Setosa

Kryptonite Candy Cane

Hollywood Stunner (From Geneva but originally from another member of DBTC?)

Full Tank Shot 011315

Zoa Rock
