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Any LPS corals tolerate high light?

Are there any lps corals that can tolerate relatively higher light. I want to place something near the top and I dont want colored sticks :)

Throw out some names.
Most Euphyllia should be able to tolerate higher light levels.

If you target 50-100 PAR on your sand bed, your higher rock areas should be well within range for most LPS. If you don't want to keep colored sticks, there is no reason to be blasting your tank with higher light levels.
Duncanopsammia axifuga seem to tolerate quite varying light levels. I have broken my colony into two pieces and have them at both high and moderate light levels. They don't seem to care.
Dont acans loose/change color under high lighting?

Your research is probably better than mines, but so far, I don't see a change in these particular acans that I have up high versus when I put them down low.

I imagine almost anything that gets blasted with intense light will look different
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A lot of corals can tolerate higher light if their moved up slowly. It's more a matter of if your gonna be happy with how they look in higher light.

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Here is the same acan from two different light set ups. First with super high light second with lower light.

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Depends on the coral and intensity of lights. The ones I posted first shot is under Orphic cannons second is near the bottom of the tank under ai Vegas. Huge difference in par but kinda gives you an idea of the worst case

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I'd say hammers or frogspawn (euphyllia.. Sp? ) in my experience seem to do well in either high or low light without much color loss.. Acans on the other hand for me I need to almost hide them under a ledge to keep the color but I also have an 8 bulb powermodule hanging above the tank with almost 300 par dead center of my sand bed(it's a little excessive =)
You can't see it well in the pic I posted but the Ai Vega ones lost all the green and yellow after about a month. Not really relevant to the topic but still an interesting lighting issue.