
Any reason to get a titanium heater over glass?


Supporting Member
Now I know the most obvious reason is that glass can break/crack. But other than that is there any real reason? Seems that Titanium ones all require an external controller, either purchased with it, or separately, so I'm guessing full submersion (without the numbers on the dial wearing off) is also a bonus. Any other reasons?
I used to use a Titanitum Won Brothers heater for a couple of years until it ended up getting 'stuck' on me. Luckily my chiller is oversized and managed to keep the temp down. Since then I have stuck with Ebo Jaegers... they're the best IME.
Well the "getting stuck" is the controller's problem, which from the few brands I looked is an external controller that costs almost as much as the heater (or more), although I'm not quite sure I trust my Reefkeeper Elite on that quite yet. Currently it's controlling my glass ones, but they have a built in thermostat so it's a second layer of protection... in fact because the controller is turning them off the bimetallic strip most of them use most likely won't get "worn out" from over use of turning off and on and they just might last longer.
I use mostly titaniums, never had one go bad. Some like 5 or 6 years in use. Go figure. I like em because they don't break and I like the external controller.
I use both.. The titaniums don't seem to do well after a huge heat wave.. If they ever reach their high point cutoff they never seem the same afterwards. I do have some old Otto's that have been working forever.. I haven't had an element go bad yet. Normally the controllers on the won heaters seem to go out. THe regular won bro ti heaters seem to last longer than the pros.. I'm tempted to get a ranco and try using that to control the heaters..
I have used both as well but seem to go with whatever has a "lifetime warranty"~!

The Visi-Stealth heaters are what Im currently using...made of Thermal Plastic. (A Spectrum Brand product)

i have a 50w visi-therm one with the plastic as well, looks nice, less of a worry for clanking it against the wall. Past few days have been cold and my tank has been a little lower than I want in the morning (ok 76 or so isn't really bad). SO might throw some more more watts into the sump.