Cali Kid Corals

Anyone else hit by the Oakland power outage?


Supporting Member
Glad i got this installed a couple of weeks ago!
Flow is most important
Then heat
Last is light
Good luck
Yeah, right now I've got the return pump, powerheads, and cooling fan on. The chiller's plugged in because it's a hot day but the tank's hovering just under it's kick on threshold, likely due to the skimmer and lights no longer adding their heat to the system.
I have two of that same model if the outage outlasts your battery and you need more juice. Only downside is I’m in San Jose
This is the River 2 model. I’ve never had to use mine thankfully but these are numbers from Telegraham. I live in an apartment so I can’t run a gas generator. But also thankfully when we do have outages in my area, they’ve never been more than a few hours.


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This is the River 2 model. I’ve never had to use mine thankfully but these are numbers from Telegraham. I live in an apartment so I can’t run a gas generator. But also thankfully when we do have outages in my area, they’ve never been more than a few hours.
My wife saw a commerial got crazy excited saying you gotta check this of these can run our whole house i'm like that's impossible lmao.

Maybe a diesel generator on a trailer could

Took a hour of explaining that cause it can work a mircowave and a fridge it's probably for a few minutes and you can't watch tv, wash clothes, keep fridge, going, and run a window ac on it at the same time. Like the commerial impied lmao. 10 mins of ac is totally not practical.

But for one tank seems legit and useful. I stay in a apartment as well but i have a gated side yard i could put a generator in if it came to it. So maybe i should consider one. Right now i have a battey back up fish bubbler like if you go fishing. Better than nothing but not ideal.
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With today’s technology. Battery backups are the way to go. Generators are extremely unreliable. You start it today. It may not start when you need it in a few years unless you maintain it. The gas will gum up the carb and fuel pump. It’s just a mess.
My wife saw a commerial got crazy excited saying you gotta check this of these can run our whole house i'm like that's impossible lmao.

Maybe a diesel generator on a trailer could

Took a hour of explaining that cause it can work a mircowave and a fridge it's probably for a few minutes and you can't watch tv, wash clothes, keep fridge, going, and run a window ac on it at the same time. Like the commerial impied lmao. 10 mins of ac is totally not practical.

But for one tank seems legit and useful. I stay in a apartment as well but i have a gated side yard i could put a generator in if it came to it. So maybe i should consider one. Right now i have a battey back up fish bubbler like if you go fishing. Better than nothing but not ideal.
You’re always welcome to use one of my mine if you need it
With today’s technology. Battery backups are the way to go. Generators are extremely unreliable. You start it today. It may not start when you need it in a few years unless you maintain it. The gas will gum up the carb and fuel pump. It’s just a mess.
I've use one a few times, never tried to keep one long term, so thanks for the long term prospective.
Having shared battery backups or generators available in the club would be interesting. Maybe not realistic since once one person's power starts going out, everyone's might be, however it's not always that way. I have two eco flows as well, both with an extra battery.

If anyone needs one immediately message me and I can loan it since power is stable here and I have some other options if needed. NI definitely need it back right after you're stable though.

Redwood City
I've use one a few times, never tried to keep one long term, so thanks for the long term prospective.
If you do. Put stabel into the fuel. Then run the motor and shut off the fuel so the carb goes dry.

Either that or start it every 6 months or so. Just to get the juices moving.

Btw. You can get an old one on fb marketplace for free. They pop up once in a while.
I have two of that same model if the outage outlasts your battery and you need more juice. Only downside is I’m in San Jose
Thanks for the offer! The power came back on a bit after 5:00 so no big deal. I have a dual fuel generator and always at least one full 30lb tank of propane if things get dire :)
With today’s technology. Battery backups are the way to go. Generators are extremely unreliable. You start it today. It may not start when you need it in a few years unless you maintain it. The gas will gum up the carb and fuel pump. It’s just a mess.
Decent generators are crazy reliable. I ran over my Yamaha with my van and drug it 20 yards down the street. Fired right up. Thing has been absolutely abused for 10 years, blows me away how it starts every time.

It does see somewhat regular use - any small engine with a carb can be problematic if stored improperly for long periods, to your point.
Decent generators are crazy reliable. I ran over my Yamaha with my van and drug it 20 yards down the street. Fired right up. Thing has been absolutely abused for 10 years, blows me away how it starts every time.

It does see somewhat regular use - any small engine with a carb can be problematic if stored improperly for long periods, to your point.
Japanese motors are the bomb. Unfortunately people in the reefing world get cheap ones like harbor freight.