Neptune Aquatics

Anyone had luck with Purple Queen Anthias?

I had a dream earlier (bad) about having bought some anthias and getting home and realizing they were purple queens and panicking about how they were all gonna die.
I had a male Bartlett that would be aggressive to fish smaller than itself. And anthias can be pretty aggressive towards their own kind, keeping a submissive female hiding all the time, etc. But in general, quite peaceful.

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We have had great luck with them in the big tank and in smaller tanks. The key is twofold - get them eating all kinds of food in QT and them feed them many times during the day once out of QT. Most people just dump them in a tank and hope, which tends not to work.
Haven't kept them in awhile. Last set that I got weren't P. tuka but P. pascale instead. They came in with euronema and didn't clear quarantine.

I agree with Rich that you have to get them to eat and feed them often. The last P. tuka that I kept was back in 2012 and they were eating roe before I got them on pellets. They were then fed 8x a day via a couple of Eheim feeders. They got fat and were eventually given to Boun when I broke down that tank.

If you're looking at aggressiveness, from less to more:

dispars = purple queen, followed by ignitus, sunsets, bartletts, ventralis, bimacs

Here's the one of the dispar hanging out with one of the purple queen females in the background.