Our mission

Anyone have a tank?

bareefers said:
Blu50Stang said:
I've got a few:

and our 240g that will be setup in about a year(timing was bad but a deal came up and we couldn't pass it by).

Been there, just done that !!

Bought Gregs old 180 starfire tank, stand and canopy :). Going to be a while before it gets wet though.. still need a good return and am OM for the CL (already have a sequence 4200 for the CL). :)

going to have to post a few picts of our 92 gal corner.. Greg and Jeff are coming by this weekend, I will let me proffer their impressions of the tank and inhabitants :)
How wierd is it that this is my tank now.
Yup it had a convulted journey to you via numerous hands that never filled the dang thing. IIRC only you and Greg ever saw water in it. I sure didn't, nor did Tom. I'm guessing Bareefers is Tom (sparkss)?
May be. I actually saw it with water in it at Greg's a long time ago. Very strang to see it mentioned though in a random threadcropsy.