got ethical husbandry?

Anyone use Flatworm Stop by Korallen-Zucht?

I have a small bottle from a sale while back. I bought it because it was cheap (compared tot he retail price), and was interested in using it not for flat worms, but for it's purported benefits of helping enhance SPS health, color, and base encrustation.

Wondering if anyone has used it for the above reasons and saw any benefits?
I've used it but can't say that I've seen any real benefits from using it...I used it in combination with coral booster, and definitely saw increased polyp extention when coral booster was dosed (it's done every other day) but outside of that response, haven't seen anything in terms of color or growth
Thanks! appreciate the feedback. I doubt I'll use booster since I use RS ABCD for elements, but maybe coral booster is a good all in one to replace those... hmm
i used both fws and cb on alternating days. i stopped for a while and didnt see any differences. i started back again a few months ago just to deplete my bottles and really cant tell you the differences. im sure it serves as a purpose, but my opinion, i might not continue it once i run out.
i used both fws and cb on alternating days. i stopped for a while and didnt see any differences. i started back again a few months ago just to deplete my bottles and really cant tell you the differences. im sure it serves as a purpose, but my opinion, i might not continue it once i run out.
I’ll try it since I have it.
FWS is really not meant to be used as a quick fix. It’s meant to be used as a prophylactic by making the slime of your SPS less desirable to eat by the flatworm so it’s more of a very long term systemic use.
similar to @jhuynh I dosed it then stopped without any obvious change. I had been dosing for 250 days when I stopped.

It is difficult to gauge without a control, but I didn’t experience anything that made me believe it increased the encrusting growth rate.

I’d consider using it again while starting up a tank and adding new coral to reduce the risk of AEFW if they make it through dipping, but I don’t see the value in dosing it all the time.